Emergency Pharmacology Flashcards
Crash cart meds include
Beta-2-adrenergic agonists
reversal agents
Anticholinergics for emergencies
can be used to increase the heart rate
counteracts drooling, vomiting, and diarrhea seen with an organophosphate (some flea meds) overdose.
Side effects of anticholinergics include dry mouth and constipation.
primary example: atropine (processed through liver)
Methylxanthines for emergencies
dilate airways and mildly stimulate the heart.
(treat asthma, bronchitis, and collapsing trachea).
Side effects include hyperexcitability and muscle tremors.
(processed by liver)
Beta-2-adrenergic agonists for emergencies
powerful heart stimulant (epinephrine)
increase blood pressure. (epinephrine)
Opening airways (albuterol)
a rapid heart rate and high blood pressure.
Corticosteroids for emergencies
Used to treat shock.
Relieve inflammation.
Suppress the function of the immune system and can be used to treat auto-immune disorders and prevent rejection of transplanted organs.
Remember Corticosteroids should not be given with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) because there is an increased risk of gastrointestinal ulcers if the two are used at the same time.
Doxapram for emergencies
A respiratory stimulant that can be used to stimulate breathing in neonates after a difficult birth or cesarean section.
processed by liver
Emergency meds details for heart
Epinephrine increase the strength of contraction and heart rate
Dopamine and dobutamine - IV administration as constant rate infusions (CRI) to improve the delivery of blood (perfusion) to vital organs.
Digoxin is an ionotrope that slows the heart rate, giving the heart more time to fill, which is beneficial.
Antiemetics emergency meds
prevent and treat vomiting
Apomorphine is used in dogs, (liver)
xylazine is used in cats. (liver)
Activated charcoal
Absorbs certain drugs or toxins from the gastrointestinal tract.
Don’t give oral medications within three hours of giving charcoal don’t give mineral oil or dairy products with it.
Calcium EDTA
An injectable drug used to chelate (bind) heavy metals (lead/zinc) in animals
a narcotic antagonist used for the treatment, prevention, or control of narcotic depression. (liver)