Med-Surg: Chapter 34: Leukemia Flashcards
White blood cell disorder
- malignant disease or “blood cancer”
- disorder of the bone marrow in which WBCs begin multiplying uncontrollably
- acute or chronic
4 Major Leukemias
- acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)
- chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
- acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
- chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
Risk Factors
- downs syndrome
- presence of philadelphia chromosome (abnormal chromosome 22)
- exposure to radiation or benzene
- smoking
an unknown stimulus mutates either a myeloid or lymphoid stem cell
- this single cell clones itself, producing an immature WBC known as a leukemic cell, or blast, in which never matures as a result of the mutation
- this cloning process becomes uncontrollable, filling the bone marrow with these leukemic cells, which gets pushed into the circulation
- this uncontrollable production of WBCs is called leukocytosis
- b/c of the mutation, these WBCs never mature and do not respond to the normal signal that leads to programmed cell death, or apoptosis
- the bone marrow, spleen, and lymph tissue become congested with the blasts, leading to lymphadenopathies, splenomegaly, and infiltration of the body’s mucous membranes and lungs
uncontrollable production of WBCs
Clinical Manifestations
secondary to the blast congestion, lymph glands in the neck, axillae, or groin and the left upper abdominal quadrant may become swollen and painful
- risk of infection is increased b/c these leukemic WBCs do not mature; therefore, the number of mature infection-fighting cells, or neutrophils, decreases (neutropenia)
- low grade fevers in response to minor infections
- major infections (pneumonia) usually do not occur until after chemotherapy initiation, which can cause profound neutropenia where the absolute neutrophil count (ANC) is less than 1000 mm3
- as leukemia progresses, the bone marrow, which is congested with leukemic cells, is not able to adequately produce RBCs and Platelets; often present with clinical manifestations of anemia (fatigue, palloe, weakness, SOB, and bruising, petechiae, nosebleeds, and bleeding gums from the decreased number of platelets
- presents to provider with complaints of flu-like symptoms (fatigue, low-grade fever, pallor)
- routine CBC reveals the leukemia; reveals leukocytosis (or increased WBC count); and demonstrates anemia and thrombocytopenia (low platelets) that occur as a result of congested bone marrow
- history and physical exam performed
- confirmation of the diagnosis usually follows a bone marrow biopsy that shows the type of leukemia and extent of the malignancy
- genetic testing can be performed to determine any chromosomal abnormalities
Systemic Chemotherapy
initiated to destroy the leukemic cells and induce a remission that indicates that the bone marrow is free of leukemic cells and is able to produce health blood cells
-remission does not = cure
Treatment Strategies: Two phases
- remission induction
- post-remission maintenance
Remission Induction
includes the initial administration of chemotherapeutic agents
-high doses of chemotherapy are given and may be accompanied by radiation therapy; usually causes the patient to become acutely ill; treatment may be worse than disease
Granulocyte colony stimulating factors (GCSFs)
given post-chemotherapy to stimulate the bone marrow to produce neutrophils
- short acting
- subcutaneous injection
- given to prevent development of post-chemotherapeutic infections
- long-acting
- subcutaneous injection
- given to prevent development of post-chemotherapeutic infections
Post-remission maintenance
after the induction phase
- chemotherapy may continue at lower doses and/or less frequently in order to suppress the formation of leukemic cells
- may continue for months or years
-only possibility for a cure
-Bone marrow transplantation (BMT)
-Peripheral stem cell transplantation (PSCT)
-Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT)
>donor cells are needed to transplant into the bloodstream (either autologous; patients own, or allogeneic; from a donor)
Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD)
when donor bone marrow or stem cells attack the recipient
Neutropenic Precautions
- frequent hand washing or the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer by the patient and others coming into contact with the patient
- avoid crowds
- if must go out, mask is indicated
- avoid obviously sick people, small children, an pets while neutrophil count is low
- wash all raw vegetables and fruits before eating; avoid raspberries and blackberries that have little bumps and ridges and cannot be washed well
- monitor temperature daily, contact provider if greater than 100.4
- for fevers, rigors (shaking chills), and obvious clinical manifestations of illness, seek immediate medical tx; rapid treatment with IV antibiotics is crucial to prevent sepsis and death
- no live plants or cut flowers in the home environment b/c they breed bacteria and mold
- avoid standing water in appliances such as humidifiers b/c this breeds mold and bacteria
- if started on prophylactic antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal therapies, stress the importance of taking prescribed medications daily and completing entire course of antibiotics
- requires private room if hospitalized
- avoid rectal temperatures, suppositories, and enemas b/c of the normal bacteria in the rectum that could enter the bloodstream if there is rectal trauma associated with these interventions
Nursing Management: Assessment and Analysis
leukemia is usually discovered in a routine CBC b/c the patient is often asymptomatic
-clinical manifestations that may cause a patient to seek medical attention are result of the anemia and thrombocytopenia that occur as a result of the bone marrow being clogged with WBCs
Assessment: Clinical Manifestations
a result of the anemia and thrombocytopenia that occur as a result of the bone marrow being clogged with WBCs
- leukocytosis
- neutropenia
- anemia (low RBCs)
- thrombocytopenia (low platelets)
- SOB; on exertion or lying flat
- excessive bruising
- petechiae
- fatigue
- pallor
- dizziness
- low-grade fevers in response to minor infections
Nursing Assessments
> Vital Signs
-low-grade fevers in response to minor infections by cuts, abrasions, sores, and so forth occur b/c of the decrease in mature neutrophils needed to produce a more pronounced temperature elevation
> Fatigue, pallor, dizziness, SOB
-manifestations of anemia occur as a result of decreased erythrocytosis b/c the bone marrow is congested with WBCs
> Excessive bruising, petechiae (different from a rash—when you push, petechiae do not blanch)
-clinical manifestations of thrombocytopenia occur as a result of decreased production of platelets b/c the bone marrow is congested with WBCs, and there may be spontaneous bleeding into the subcutaneous tissues
> CBC values
- leukocytosis of leukemic WBCs occurs from a single mutation
- the excessive WBCs clog the bone marrow, resulting in decreased production of RBCs and Platelets
Nursing Actions
> Administer chemotherapy
-started on chemotherapy to destroy the leukemic cells
> Institute neutropenic precautions
-pt needs to take extra precautions to prevent infection due to low neutrophil count
> Prophylactic use of antibiotics, antivirals, and antifungals
-often initiated to provide added protection against infection when the neutrophil count is low
> Administer antibiotics
-when the ANC (absolute neutrophil count) is less than 1,000, it is imperative to start IV antibiotics immediately in order to prevent sepsis and possible death
> Symptom management (nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, ulcerations of the mouth)
- post-chemotherapy/post-radiation symptom management is continuously assessed to maintain the patient’s quality of life
- antiemetics or antidiarrheal medication are indicated to minimize discomfort as well as decrease fluid loss
> Administer ordered blood products
-may require blood products as cell cunts (RBCs and platelets) drop b/c of the myelosuppression caused by chemotherapy
> Neutropenic precautions
> Clinical manifestations of anemia
> Manifestations of thrombocytopenia
-essential to seek medical attention for an early signs of bleeding
> bleeding precautions
> diagnosis of leukemia
> adverse reactions of chemotherapy and radiation
> possibility of sterility
- chemotherapy and radiation can render the patient sterile.
- educated on alternative methods of family planning, including sperm or egg donation
Evaluating Care Outcomes
untreated leukemia is a fatal disorder
- goals of tx are to induce remission for the patient and minimize or prevent complications
- tx consider effective hen the patient has decreased clinical manifestations of anemia, infection, and bleeding
- prolonging life and improving the quality of life are important
- symptom management of the chemotherapy and radiation therapy aid in improving the quality of life
- at present bone marrow transplant (BMT) and peripheral stem cell transplant (PSCT) is only chance of achieving a cure for leukemia
Leukemia: Risk Factors, S/S, Metastasis
> Risk Factors:
- alkylating agents
- genetic mutations
- radiation exposure
> S/S:
- fatigue
- anemia
- chronic infection
- bruising, petechiae, gum bleeding
> Metastasis:
-diffuse at diagnosis