Chapter 19: Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) (Newborn) Flashcards
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)
occurs from female IV drug abusers
-an infant of a drug-abusing mother (IDAM), is a newborn who has been exposed to drugs in the intrauterine environment, which can cause withdrawal symptoms in the extrauterine environment
>drugs that are abused have low molecular weight and transfer easily across the placenta
Signs and Symptoms of NAS
- irritability
- tremors
- wakefulness
- uncoordinated feeding pattern
- loose stools
- yawning or hiccups
- poor weight gain
- hypertonia
- seizures
- exaggerated rooting reflex
- regurgitation and vomiting
- tachypnea or apnea
- sneezing and stuffy nose
- lacrimation and profuse sweating
laboratory tests are done to reveal if the drugs are in the newborns system
- urine tests done but reflect only the last few days of intrauterine environmental exposure
- newborns meconium stool and hair specimens are being used more to test for drugs in the newborns system; these specimens can be obtained up to 3 days and reflect a longer period of time of intrauterine exposure than urine testing
good prenatal care is needed with referral to substance abuse treatment center
Nursing Care
-nursing challenge because they sleep very little and are very irritable
-provide quiet dark environment to promote sleep
-gently rock and hold the infant to provide comfort and security
-assessed every 3 hours using a neonatal abstinence scoring tool; scores greater than 7 for 3 consecutive scorings are uncomfortable and need to be treated with medication to decrease the severity of the withdrawal effects
>mothers addicted to methadone sometimes encouraged to breastfeed to offset withdrawal symptoms in newborns
NAS and Naloxone
naloxone use may increase the severity of drug withdrawal in an infant of a drug abusing mother
>if the mother is a suspected drug user, naloxone should NOT be used
>if an infant of a drug abusing mother is in respiratory distress at the time of delivery, use positive pressure oxygen to resuscitate newborn
Medication used to treat an Infant of a Drug-Abusing MOther
- paregoric (Camphorated Tincture of Opium)
- phenobarbital (Luminal)
- clonidine (Catapres)
- chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
- diazepam (Valium)
- methadone (Dolophine)