MCAT Psychology Behavioral Neuroscience Flashcards
Almond shaped structure deep withi nthe brain that orchestrates emotional experiences
Structures that coordinate smooth motion by inhibiting excess movement
Basal nuclei or ganglia
The region of the brain that coordinates and smoothes skeletal muscle activity
The largest bundle of white matter (axons) connecting the two cerebral hemispheres
Corpus callosum
The portion of the forebrain that includes the thalamus and hypothalamus
Low resolution functional technique that provides real-time data on brain wave synchronization at nodes spread through the scalp
Higher order thinking processes that include planning, organizing, and decision-making
Executive functions
Brain structure located in the medial temporal lobe, plays a key role in forming memories
An increase in synaptic strength between two neurons following simultaneous firing
Long-term potentiation
Portion of the hindbrain that controls respiratory rate and blood pressure, and specialized digestive and respiratory functions
Medulla oblongata
The portion of the brain responsible for visual and auditory startle reflex
A process that refers to the malleability of the brain’s pathways and synapses based on behavior, the environment, and neural processes
Neural plasticity
Structure located in the brainstem that releases dopamine in response to many drugs, contributing to addictive behavior
Nucleus accumbens
A theory of information retrieval that involves a search process where specific nodes are activated, which leads to the activation of related nodes, and so on
Spreading activation theory
A relay station and major integrating area for sensory impulses
An area of the brain known to be involved in reflection, planning, emotional regulation, and the ability to understand the perspective of others
Prefrontal cortex
The __ is involved in primitive processes such as walking, urination, and sex organ functions
Spinal cord
The hindbrain includes the__,__,and__
medulla, pons, and cerebellum
The __ functions in relaying information between other areas of the brain, regulating vital autonomic functions such as BP, digestive functions and also the respiratory rhythmicity centers are found here
The __ is the connection point between the brain stem and the cerebellum. The ___ controls some autonomic functions and coordinates movement; it plays a role in balance and antigravity posture
The __ is an integrating center where complex movements are coordinated
Damage to the __results in poor hand-eye coordination and balance
Both the __ and __ receive information from the vestibular apparatus in the inner ear, which monitors acceleration and position relative to gravity
Cerebellum and pons
The ___ is a relay for visual and auditory information and contains much of the reticular activating system (RAS) which is responsible for arousal and wakefulness
Reticular activating system
Medulla, pons, and midbrain constitute the__
The forebrain includes the __ and the__
diencephalon and telencephalon