Khan P/S 3 Flashcards
Focused on inequalities of different groups in society, based on idea of Karl Marx that believed society evolved throguh several stages:
Feudalism -> capitalism -> socialism
Conflict theory
Argues that people actively shape their reality through social interactions.
It is something that is made not inherent. Things are social products made of the values of the society that created it
Social constructionism
Concept/practice everyone in society agrees to treat a certain way regardless of its inherent value ex: money
Social construct
Are created by social conventions and do rely on other facts:
Ex: money depends on the paper we have given value
Institutional facts
People always take rational actions, weighing costs and benefits of each action to gain most benefit
3 assumptions: completeness, transitivity, and independence of irrelevant alternatives
Rational choice theory
Application of rational choice theory to social interactions. Family, work, interpersonal relationships. People behave with goal of maximizing own rewards while minimizing punishments and people can make rational choices in social norms and self interests and interdependence guides interactions and from relationships from cost-benefit analysis
Exchange theory
Looks at how older generation looks at themselves. Certain activities, or jobs lost, those social interactions need to be replaced so elderly can be engaged
Activist theory
Older adults and society separate, assumes they become more self-absorbed as they age but considers elderly people still involved in society as not adjusting very well, which is debatable
Disengagement theory
People try to maintain same basic structure throughout their lives. As they age make decisions to adapt to external changes and internal changes of aging
Continuity theory
What are the 5 considerations of gender:
- Biological
- Identity (Gender they identify as)
- Expression (gender they express)
- Attraction (gender they’re romantically attracted to)
- Fornication (gender they’re sexually attracted to)
Importance of world as a unit, divides world into 3 countries: core, periphery, and semi-periphery
Core: Western Europe and U.S.
Periphery: Latin America and Africa, greatly influenced by and depend on core countries and trans national corporations
Semi periphery: Brazil and India, middle ground
- Semi periphery are criticized for being too focused on core countries and ignoring class struggles of individual countries
Semi periphery
All countries follow similar path of development to modern society.
-With same help, traditional countries can develop similarly to the way today’s developed countries did
Modernization theory
Uses idea of core and periphery countries to look at inequalities.
-Periphery countries export resources to core countries, and don’t have means to develop
Dependency Theory
Actions of groups oppressed/deprived of rights that others in society enjoy.
Ex: civil rights movement, a response to oppression to people of color
Relative Deprivation Theory
3 things needed for social movements:
Relative deprivation, deserving better, and belief conventional methods are useless to help