limb bones Flashcards
looking at lateral side of scapula; the angle of caudal side is called the
caudal angle
the middle sticky up part on later side of scapula is the
on either side of the spine of scapula (on lateral side) on the cranial side is the _______ and on the caudal side is the _______
supraspinous fossa
infraspinous fossa
at the bottom (ventral) aspect of the spine of scapula is the
the most ventral aspect of spine where the head of humerus fits is called the
glenoid cavity
immediately cranial to the glenoid cavity is the _____ and immediately caudal to the glenoid cavity is the ____
supraglenoid tubercle and infraglenoid tubercle
the dorsal top third of the medial side of scapula is a roughened area called the
fascies serrata
on the medial side of the scapula theres a groove down the middle, just under the fascies serrata, called the
subscapular fossa
just medial to the supraglenoid tubercle on scapula there is a small protrudence of bone called the
coracoid process
on the proximal end of humerus theres 3 main bumps;
the most cranial is the:
the most caudal is the:
and the most medial is the:
greater tubercle
lesser tubercle
the groove between the lesser tubercle and greater tubercle on the humerus is the
intertubercular groove
on the proximal end of the humerus on there is a line going down on the lateral side, just under the greater tubercle, what is this line called
tricipital line
just cranial to the tricipital line on the humerus there is a roughened area called
(on the proximal, cranio-lateral aspect of bone under the greater tubercle)
the deltoid tuberosity
on the medial side of the humerus under the lesser tubercle there is a small button like projection called the
teres tuberosity
the twist of the humerus that starts on the proximal end at the caudal- lateral aspect and twists the the cranial- lateral aspect at the distal end is called (very smooth surface)
brachial groove
on the distal end of the humerus there are two buttons of bone on either side of the trochlea, what are these called
medial epicondyle and lateral epicondyle
the articular surface on the distal end of the humerus on the cranial side is called the (it articulates with the ulna)
what is the hole on the distal end of the humerus thats just above the trochlear is called
supra-trochlear foramen
on the lateral side of the trochlear there is a little ridge called the
its articulates with the radius
capitulum (kind of part of the trochlea, basically the most lateral bump of it)
so from lateral to medial at the distal end of the humerus we has the lateral epicondyle, the capitulum, the trochlea, the medial epicondyle
the depression on the CRANIAL side of the humerus that leads down to the supra-trochlear foramen is called the
and on the caudal side its an even deeper groove called the
radial fossa
olecranon fossa
the shallow crests that lead down to the medial/ lateral epicondyle on either side of the distal end of humerus are called the
medial/ lateral epicondylar crest
(he didn’t point this out in video)
the elbow of the ulna is called
the U shaped curve on the proximal end of the ulna where the trochlea of humerus sits is called the
the proximal point is called the
the distal point is called the
trochlear notch
anconeal process
coronoid process
on the medial side of the ulna and radius just distal to the trochlear notch there is a small roughened patches on each called the
ulnar tuberosity and radial tuberosity
the proximal end of the radius, the part the pivots in the ulna is called the
head of the radius
DISTALLY the ulna sits _____ and radius sits _____
ulna: laterally
radius; medially
on the most distal end of the ulnar and radius there are tooth like projections called the
(the proximal carpal bones sit inbetween them)
styloid processes
if you are looking at a lateral view of the os coxae; the most dorsal part of the ilium is the _____ and the most cranio-ventral part is the _____
(both are bordering the wing of the ilium)
tuber sacrale
tuber coxae
below below the wing of the ilium is the narrower part of the ilium called the
body of the ilium
if you are looking at a lateral view of the os coxae, on the caudal part of the ilium there are 2 sweeping curves
the dorsal one (the bigger sweep) is called the and the more ventral one is called the
greater sciatic notch
lesser sciatic notch
where do all 3 bones of the os coxae meet
at the acetabulum
3 bones in os coxae;
the most ventral and medial bone:
the most caudal bone:
the most dorsal and cranial bone:
the acetabulum is complete of which 3 sides and is incomplete of which side
complete cranially, dorsally and caudally
incomplete ventrally (open)
the ventral part of the acetabulum is open and forms a notch called the
acetabular notch
button of bone on the most lateral/ caudal part of os coxae is called the (quite prominent)
ischiatic tuberosity
immediately cranial to the acetabulum on the cranio-lateral border of the os coxae there are two buttons of bone
the dorsal one is called the
and the ventral one is called the
tuberosity for rectus femoris
iliopubic eminence
looking at a ventral view of the pelvis, the line down the middle of the two os coxae (where they meet) is the
pubis symphysis
the big hole in each os coxa is called the
obturator foramen
on the medial side of the femur there is the round part that sits in the acetabulum called the:
the little “bald spot” on this is called the:
on the lateral side of proximal femur there is another large bump called the
greater trochanter
just ventral to the head of the femur there is a smaller bump called the (on caudal medial side)
lesser trochanter
just under the greater trochanter of the femur on the lateral side there is a rouchened patch is the
third trochanter
on the caudal side of the femur
on the proximal end
there is a ridge of bone that goes from the greater trochanter to the lesser trochanter (so sweeps laterally to medially on the caudal side) called the
intertrochanteric crest
deep groove of the proximal end of femur on the CAUDAL side (between the intertrochanteric crest and the head) is called the
trochanteric fossa
the _____ of the femur is symmetrical, smooth, featureless and doesn’t have the twisted appearance seen in the humerus
on the cranial side of the distal end of the femur there is a deep groove where the patella rides up and down called the
on the distal end of femur on the caudal side there are two bumps, called the
medial and lateral condyle
just on top (dorsal) to the medial and later condyle (on the caudal side of the distal femur) there are 2 small sesamoids called
on the caudal distal side of femur just above the medial and lateral condyle there is roughened patch called the
popliteal surface
looking down at the top (proximal end) of the tibia it almost looks like a heart with the tip of the heart being the most cranial
- name the bumps of the heart
- name the trip of the heart (most cranial)
- name the little sweep between the two bumps of the heart (caudal aspect)
- name the groove that runs inbetween the two bumps of the heart
- lateral and medial epicondyle (articulate with condyles of femur so they are on caudal aspect)
- tibial tuberosity (sticks out, decreases slightly ventral to the rest of the heart)
- popliteal notch
- intercondylar eminence
just cranial ventral to the tibial tuberosity on the cranial aspect of the tibia there is a sharp ridge that runs down the front
cranial border
the fibula sits ____ to the tibia
lateral/ caudal
proximally on the lateral condyle
distally on the lateral malleolus
on the distal end of the tibia/ fibula there are 3 bony prominences
the medial malleolus (tibia)
the caudal malleolus (tibia)
the lateral malleolus (fibula)
the articular space inbetween the 3 malleolus on the distal end of the tibia/ fibula is called the
tibial cochlea