horse joints Flashcards
normal joint components
- trabecular bone
- subchondral bone plate
- articular cartilgae
- joint cavity containing synovial fluid
- synovial membrane
- joint capsule
shoulder joint; glenohumeral
- spherical joint
- NO collateral lligaments
shoulder joint; bursa of biceps tendon is a _____ synovial cavity
elbow joint (radiohumeral, cubital joint)
- can palpate medial and lateral humeral epicondyles
- joint capsule forms joint in olecranon fossa under anconeus muscle
collateral ligaments of elbow joint
- medial and lateral collaterals divided into long and short parts
- long part is remnant of pronator teres muscle
- lateral collateral is short but strong
carpus consists of what 3 joints
which communicate
bottom 2 communicate
movement in the 3 carpal joints
radio carpal 100 degrees
intercapral 45 degrees
carpometacarpal 0 degrees
5 main ligament types in the carpus
common palmar ligament (ie palmar carpal ligament which lines the carpal sheath/canal)
dorsal carpal ligament (extensor retinaculum)
flexor retinculum
medial and lateral collaterals
intercarpal ligs (medial and lateral palmar intercarpal ligs on top of 3rd carpal bone)
common palmar ligament (ie palmar carpal ligament)
lines carpal canal
- thick, continous with joint
capsule - helps prevent over-extension
- extends distally to accessory lig. of deep digital flexor tendon
flexor retinaculum
from accessory carpal bone to medial aspect of joint, encloses carpal canal, SDFT and DDFT
collateral ligaments of carpus
large, complete, extending from
distal radius to the metacarpus
with intermittent attachments to
carpal bones
sacroiliac joint has 2 main ligaments
- Sacroiliac ligament: Dorsal & ventral, Incorporated into fibrous capsule of joint
- Sacrosciatic ligament, equivalent of sacrotuberous ligament in dog, creates greater & lesser ischiatic foraminae
hip joint ie coxofemoral joint ligaments
- Cotyloid ligament
- Accessory (femoropubic) ligament
- Ligament of the head of the femur (round ligament)
- Transverse acetabular
cotyloid ligament
- fibrocartilage around rim of acetabulum
- equivalent of acetabular lip of the dog
accessory (femoropubic lig)
- unique to Equidae
- extension of the pre-pubic tendon
- enters acetabulum through acetabular notch & attaches to head of femur
- reduces potential for abduction
- Ligament of the head of the femur (round ligament)
- short, stout
- Tightens on abduction
- Prevents horse from “cow-kicking”
- Hip luxations are rare in the horses.
- hip luxations not present in the ruminant.
Transverse acetabular
across acetabular
notch, holds accessory ligament in place
Where is the ligament of the head of the femur in the ruminant and horse?
- HORSE: from the pubic groove near the acetabular notch to the fovea of the femoral head
- RUMINANT: from the acetabulum to the fovea of the femoral head.
stifle joint
same as dog (cranial and caudal cruciate ligaments, menisci, cranial/ caudal and medial/ lateral meniscotibial ligaments, one meniscofemoral lig from lateral meniscus, transverse lig, collateral ligaments, femoropatellar ligements)
difference is has 3 patellar ligs; medial, intermediate, and lateral
which of the patellar ligments is involved in the stay apparatus
medial (hook from parapatellar fibrocartilage)
3 compartments of stifle joint, which communicate
femoropatellar joint
medial femorotibial joint
lateral femorotibial joint
femoropatellar joint and medial femorotibial communciate 75%
femoropatellar and lateral femorotibial communicate 25%
NO communication between medial and lateral femorotibial joints
what synovial structure can you find by the lateral meniscus (lateral femorotibial joint)
subextensor recess
tarsus ie hock joint is a compound joint of 4 articulations
where does majority of movement occur is tarsus
tibiotarsal joint (tarsocrural)
communication in tarsus
tibiotarsal (tarsocural) communciates with proximal intertarsal and a little bit with distal intertarsal and tarsometatarsal
proximal intertarsal does NOT communicate with distal intertarsal
distal intertarsal communicates a little bit with tarsometatarsal
extensor retinaculum on hind leg
- unlike front leg where there is 1, on hind there is 3:
- proximal (tibial)
- intermediate (tarsal)
- distal (metatarsal)
tarsus ligaments
- Lateral & medial collateral ligament divided into Long lateral collateral lig. and Short lateral collateral lig.
- long plantar lig; on back of calcaneus
- 3 extensor retinaculum
- flexor retincaculum
- Located on plantarolateral surface
of joint capsule - From proximoplantar calcaneus to proximoplantar & lateral aspect of 4th metatarsal bone
Forms outer
wall of the tarsal
canal (sheath)
3 joints of manus
- Metacarpophalangeal/ metatarsophalangeal joint (“fetlock joint”)
- Proximal interphalangeal joint (“pastern joint”)
- Distal interphalangeal joint (“coffin joint”)
fetlock joint
- Joint involves MCIII, first phalanx (P1) & proximal sesamoid
bones - Joint capsule is large & loose due to large range of
movement - Has dorsal & palmar components (pouches) which communicate
distension of palmar joint of fetlock joint is called
windgalls or windpuffs
ligaments of fetlock
- Medial & lateral
- Superficial layer - dorsal part (from proximally
to the abaxial condylar fossa to proximolateral/
medial aspect of the P1) vertical orientation - Deep layer - palmar part (from abaxial
condylar fossa to P1 & proximal sesamoid
bone) oblique orientation - Restrict movement to sagittal plane
proximal sesamoidean ligaments
- intersesamoidean ligament between proximal sesamoids, forms proximal scutum
- lateral and medial collaterals
distal sesamoidean ligaments (but all of the proximal sesamoid bone lol there is 4)
- straight sesmoidean lig
- oblique sesamoidean lig (lat and med)
- cruciate sesamoidean lig (lat and med)
- short sesamoidean lig (lat and med)
straight sesamoidean lig inserts on
proximal P2
oblique sesamoidean lig lateral and medial, deep to straight and inserts on
palmarodistal aspect P1
cruciate sesamoidean lig, deep to obliques, cross the
palmar surface of P1
short sesamoidean ligs, deep to cruciates, insert
close to articular surface of P1
pastern joint (proximal interphalangeal joint)
- Limited range of motion compared to fetlock
- Dorsal pouch (at the level where extensor
branches of suspensory ligament meet with
common digital extensor tendon)
pastern joint ligs
- collaterals (med and lat)
- abaxial palmar ligs (med and lat) (attached to collaterals)
- axial palmar ligs (med and lat)
axial and abaxial palmar ligs of pastern joint
- From palmar surface of P1 to fibrocartilage (middle scutum) of PII
- Prevent over-extension of the joint along with the straight sesamoidean
middle scutum
- Located where straight sesamoidean ligament,
the axial palmar pastern and superficial digital
flexor tendon branches coalesce and insert
onto the flexor tuberosity of the middle phalanx (back of pastern joint) - Together with straight sesamoidean ligament
provide sagittal stabilisation of pastern