Life Saving Appliances Flashcards
What is the use of a EPIRB?
- For alerting shore side rescue facilities
- They work on the 406Mhz
- Also fiited with a float free arrangement
What is the use of a SART?
- The purpose of a SART is to act as a locating device in the event of an emergency
- SARTs must be able to be secured in a lifeboat at a height of not less than 1 metre above the waterline
What markings would you see on a lifeboat/survival craft?
- Ship name or call sign
- Port of registry
- Lifeboat dimensions
- Carriage capacity
- Lifeboat number
What markings would you see on a liferaft?
- Makers name or trademark
- Serial number
- Date of manufacture
- Number of person it is permitted to carry
- Name and play of the last service
What markings would you see on the container for the liferaft?
- Makers name or trademark
- Serial number
- Number of persons it can carry
- SOLAS markings
- Type of SOLAS emergency pack (A or B)
- Date when last serviced
- Length of painter
- Maximum height of stowage
- Launching instructions
What markings would you see on HRU?
- Type and serial number
- Depth at which is releases liferaft/EPIRB
- Date of expiry
What markings would you see on a lifebuoy?
- A lifebuoy should be marked in block capitals with the name and port of registry of the ship
What markings would see on lifejackets?
- Manufacturers name or trademark
- The words “PERSONS OF 32KG OR MORE”
- The year of manufacture
- The word “FRONT” of both sides of the front part of the lifejacket
What equipment would you find in a liferaft?
- Rescue quoits with 30m of line
- 2 non-folding knifes
- 2 bailers
- 2 sponges
- 2 buoyant paddles
- 3 tin openers
- 2 sea anchors
- 1 scissors
- 1 first aid waterproof kit
- 1 whistle
- 1 waterproof torch with spare batteries and bulb
- 1 signalling mirror / heliograph
- 1 radar reflector
- 1 life-saving signals card
- 1 fishing tackle
- Food 10,000kj per person
- Water 1.5ltr per person
- 1 rustproof drinking vessel
- Anti-seasickness tablets
- Survival manual
- 2 TPA’s
- 6 hand flares
- 4 rocket flares
- 2 buoyant smokes
What equipment would you find in a lifeboat?
- 3ltr of water per person
- Food 10,000kj pe person
- 2 buoyant oars
- 2 boat hooks
- Crutches with lanyard
- Portable ladder
- Rudder tiller
- Rain water collector
- 2 bailers
- 1 bucket
- Survival manual
- Compass
- Sea anchor
- Painter line
- Dipper with lanyard
- Hatchet with case
- Graduated drinking vessel
- 6 hand flares
- 4 rocket flares
- 2 buoyant smokes
- 1 waterproof torch with spare batteries + bulb
- Signalling mirror
- Life-saving signals table
- 1 Whistle
- First aid kit
- Anti-seasickness tablets
- Seasickness bags for each person
- Buoyant rescue quoit with 30m line
- Manual pump with bilge line
- Fish table set
- Portable fire extinguisher
- Search light
- Radar reflector
- 2 TPA
- Plus 3 immersion suits for the rescue boat
What maintenance should be done on the lifeboat falls?
- Falls should be inspected periodically and renewed every 5 years
What weekly inspections should be done on LSA?
- All survival craft, rescue boats and launching appliances visually inspected
- Engines of lifeboats and rescue boats run ahead and astern for not less than 3 minutes
- General emergency alarm tested
What monthly inspections should be done on LSA?
- Inspection of all LSA equipment carried onboard using a checklist
- Checking all food and water are in date
- Lifeboats shall be moved from stowed position with no POB onboard to demonstrate satisfactory operation of launching
Do you log maintenance of LSA equipment?
- A log should be kept of all inspections and maintenance done to all LSA equipment.
How do you launch a lifeboat? (Gravity davit)
- Set up the painter line
- Disconnect any power supply, if any
- Put bottom plug in place
- If in a drill attach the F.P.D
- Remove fwd and aft stoppers
- Check overboard to make sure it safe to lower
- Everyone to enter lifeboat at the embarkation level, weight evenly distributed and start engine
- Lower lifeboat by either pulling brake wire from inside or lowered by manually lifting brake lever on vessels deck
- Once reaching the water make sure hydrostatic indicator is point to ‘ok’ and remove safety pin and pull release handle back -
- Check falls have been released
- Release painter and steer away from ship
How do you launch a liferaft?
- Check painter is secured to a strong point
- Check all clear over side
- Let go the lashings or portable rails in necessary
- Throw liferaft overboard
- Pull out the slack of painter line to inflate liferaft
- Position the embarkation ladder and board liferaft
- When all persons onboard cut painter line
- Get a safe distance from the ship and stream sea anchor
- Close entrance to liferaft
- Take sea sickness tablets
- Inflate floor
- Get organised
How do you recover a rescue boat?
- Ensure brake lever on the vessel deck is fully closed
- Before coming alongside reset the falls on the load/off load system
- Connect falls to lifeboat hooks and make sure falls wires are not twisted
- Visually check fwd and aft cams are locked
- Commence hoisting lifeboat
- When the lifeboat is just clear of the water check the hydrostatic release indicator and check lever arms and cams are in the correct position
- Continue hoisting and turn off engine
- Secure boat for immediate relaunch
- Disembark personnel
What is an on/off load release?
- A off load release means when the lifeboat is fully lowered into the water and pressure pushes up the bladder to the hydrostatic release unit to the ‘ok’ position which releases the falls of the lifeboat automatically.
- A on load release is when the lifeboat is lowered close to the water but not into the water. The hydrostatic release is manually put into the ‘ok’ position and then safety pin can be removed and the falls release lever can be pulled back.
What is the SOLAS training manual?
A SOLAS training manual is a ship specific manual containing instructions on the LSA equipment carried and also information on survival, hazards of exposure, methods of retrieval and emergency repair of LSA equipment. It can be used as a source of reference and contains information relevant to every crew member. A copy will be held in the crew and officer newsrooms.
It is important to check the SOLAS training when joining a new ship to see all LSA equipment and how they are operated.
Some topics it will cover are:
- Donning of lifejackets, immersion suits and Anti-exposure suits
- Boarding, launching of lifeboats, rescue boats, liferafts, fast rescue boats, free fall lifeboats etc
- Release from launching appliances
- Use of all survival equipment
- Use of all detection equipment
How do you launch a davit liferaft?
- Remove the portable rail, turnout the davit and put the ladder over the side
- Bring the raft in its valise to the ships side, lay the bowsing lines out on the inboard side
- Secure the bowsing lines on the deck
- Break out the painter
- Hook liferaft onto the davit fall
- Hoist the fall and swim davit to position the rafter over the side
- Pull the painter to inflate the raft
- Secure the raft against the ship’s side and check the raft for defects - board passengers
- When liferaft is loaded, make sure it is clear below
- Release the bowsing lines and throw lines and the painter into the raft
- Lower the liferaft to the water then pull the release on the off load hook, releasing the liferaft
- Onboard the ship launching crew will raise the fall and prepare to launch the next liferaft