Lecture 9: Motor development months 4-6 Flashcards
KNOW: Were most worried about the overall movement pattern, not just if they’re a little delayed
* think if they have a hypertonic reflex that won’t go away, then im a little worried
* We also want to make sure they’re meeting the milestones in order
Are babies visually active at 4 months?
Yes, they can track etc…
What month do babies have hand to hand, hand to mouth, and hand to body play and exploration?
Month 4
Note: they don’t really have those super fine contorl movements, more broad
KNOW: At 4 months babies have very limited fine motor control. They can pick up the toy and shake it around but can’t manipulate it much
When does baby begin to roll to side?
4 months
When is the baby able to maintain side lying?
4 months
Why can’t the baby manipulate toys at 4 months?
Because they still have that palmar grasp reflex (does integrade until 4-7 months) so they only can grip the toys and shake them around
KNOW: Babies do receprocal kicking to stretch out hamstrings form physiological flexion
TEST when does prone on forearms begin?
4 months
NOTE: They are beginning to push from forearms to extended arm weight bearing
Can a baby hold head indefinitly at 90 degrees at 4 months?
KNOW: at 3 months the baby can be prone on elbows head at 45 degrees starts at 3 months, but prone on elbow holding head to 90 degrees (so can look around) starts at 4 months
At what month can the baby be prone on forearms and looking ar (can hold head indefinitely at 90 degrees)?
Whats the reason they can now be in this position?
4 months
Because at 4 months the pelvis has lowered to support surface and can touch the ground (because they’ve lost some of that physiological flexion in the LE’s)
* Once you can get your pelvis down its a lot easier to get your head up
NOTE: at 3 months they only have 45 degrees of head contorl when in prone
Can the baby sit functionally at 4 months?
Nope, doesnt start till 6 months
May be able to sit for several seconds w/o support at 4 months, but its not yet a functionally position
* they really start being able to sit when they get that lumbar extension from those erector spinae (have some of this here but not tons)
NOTE: at this point the LE’s wide base of support in ring sitting outer edges may begin to contact support surfaces
* we don’t need this stability as adults because our erector spinae have taken over
* NOTE: this is still not a functional position here
KNOW: When doing a pull to sit on a baby she looks to see how they react
At 4 months what should the head do?
How much assistance should they provide
Head should stay in midline all the way up
Should hold on and assist abuot 50%
their muscles should still be contracting
NOTE: The big thing is that they are aware and tightening their muscles
* still looking for symmetry
KNOW: A lot of accidental rolling happens because of reflexes, then they try to make that functional
At what month can a baby roll from supine to side lying?
How is rolling initiated?
month 4
Initiated w/ head movement (those reflexes take over)
* this causes accidental rolling that they then try to make functional
When are babies able to produce voluntary, asymmetrical, dissociated and recpirocal movements
5 months
What is dissociated movement?
Able to move one extremeity at a time
Think walking, super important
In supine the child can bring their feet to mouth and hands to feet at what month?
* why is the toe sucking important?
month 5
Important because it helps give great toe extension
how do LE rest at month 5
at 90 degrees (due to that physiological flexion)
When does the baby obtain prone on extended arms (pushing off w/ hands)
Month 5
Makes sense that palmar grasp integrates 4-7 months, because this would get in the way of pushing off
* however, perfurred position is still prone on forearms because its more stable
When can babies do prone on extended arms?
Month 5
NOTE: if you’re weight bearing on extended hands you’re not going to want fingers to curl (so this palmar grasp reflex needs to have integrated)
* part of why this starts integrating between 4-7 months
However, perfurred position is still prone on forearms because its more stable
KNOW: At month 5 babies can begin prompt sitting (hands holding you up)
* Makes sense because you’re super close to sitting here, you just arent quite strong enough
* able to sit at 6 months
on tip of falling over here
At what month is the baby able to help the entire time with pull to sit?
5 months
Actively grasp examiners fingers and flex elbows
Abdominals contract
Total active LE flexion
At what month is there no head lag with pull to sit?
5 months
At what point does the baby have full head control on all positions?
6 months
What is prone pivot
being in prone and turning in circles
When does the baby begin to pivot in prone?
6 months
So the baby can weight shift and reach for toys in prone
At what point can the baby sit erect w/o support?
* How are the LE’s when they’re doing this?
Month 6
LE’s in ring sitting - so are in full contact w/ support surface
When do babies get protective extension forward?
6 months (6-8-10)
At what age can the abby prop forward on UE (in sitting)
* Can they do this sideways as well at this month
6 months
cannot do this sideways until 8 months and then backwards at 10 months
KNOW: You can maintain a position before you can obtain the position (thats basically true for everything)
KNOW: Once a baby obtains sitting they want to be there
For instance at 6 months the bable is able to initiate reach for the examiner
* So if you’re changing their diper they might reach forward trying to be pulled up
When is the baby able to pull to sit indepdently from supine holding examiners hand?
6 months
When does rolling occur?
6 months
When is the baby able to assume and maintain quadruped?
* How do they transition in and out of this position?
6 months
Transition by going into prone (flopping onto stomach)