Lecture 15 - Pediatric Obesity Flashcards
BMI equation
Bias and doesnt account for muscle
* BMI is the same for kids and adults (the calculation is the exact same)
* It just looks at height/wt
* Best judge if someone is a healthy wt is your eyes
What percentile is defined as Obese?
* Over weight BMI percentile
* Underweight BMI percentile
95th percentile = obese
85-95 percentile = overwt
Underwt = < 5%
Problem is that our population is changing and these obesity charts dont work as well. Some kids are “over the 100th percentile” this is because BMI is increasing in kids and adults
* So we hear all the time that kids are over the 100th percentile
* This is why the definition of a kid thats “over weight” is different than it was 40 years ago
What is severe obesity classified as?
* Class 2
* Class 3
Severe = 120% of the 95th percentile or BMI 35kg/m^2 or greater
Class 2 obesity = BMI >/ 120% to 140% of the 95th percentile or BMI 35-40 kg/m^2
Class 3 obesity: BMI >/140% of the 95th percentile or BMI >/ 40 kg/m^2
Find their wt and find their height and plot it on there
if they’re on the line at 50% they’re average
has both wt and height on here
these charts are for typically developing kids
Unless a child is above the 95th percentile as long as the stay on their current tragectory most doctors will say thats okay
KNOW: Obesity is going up in all age ranges (in the US specifically but also most other countries)
Most overweight children in deep south
* Southern food
Flordia is different for adults because of snowbirds
* Snowbirds are typically more active and pull this down
* Seniors that move to FL. often move here for the active lifestyle
Lots of research shows that when you’re around people who make healthier decisions make you also do it
Prevalence of obesity by ethnicity: (4)
Hispanic –> Non-Hispanic Black –> Non-Hispanic Caucasian –> Asian
Why does the middle income group see a higher obesity rate than lowest income?
* Why is highest income equated w/ lower obesity rates?
Middle because they have the money to get fast food and its easy
Highest is low because of education lvl
Asian population = lower obesity
Has a lot to do w/ culture
Causes of obesity
* Complex/Multi-Factorial
* Eating high calorie, low nutrient foods and beverages
* Not getting enough PA
* Sedentary activities such as watching television or other screen devices
* Medication (think asthma meds)
* Sleep routines (people who work night shift have higher lvls of obesity)
* Genetics
* Medical Conditions (Prader willie = never feel hungery)
* Family (not just genetics but also family habits)
* Socio Economic factors
* Changing perception of obesity (think lizzo / its okay to be fat now)
Each hour of TV per day
increased prevalance of obesity by
recommends 60 mins per day of TV
KNOW: Slow moving shows the kid will move more while they watch TV and is better
* opposed to high frequency shows like spongebob
How much PA should children get daiy?
* How many of those days should be vig aerobic PA?
* How about muscle strengthening
* How about bone strengthening
PA =60 mins per day
Aerobic Most of the 60 minutes a day should be either moderate or vig intensity aerobic PA and should include vigrous intensity activity at least 3 days per week
Muscle strengthening: As part of their 60 minutes or moreminutes of daily PA, children and adolescents should include muscle strenghtening PA on at least 3 days per week
* Think monkey bars / tug of war (non weight lifting activities)
Bone-Strengthening: As part of their 60 minutes of daily PA, children and adolescents should include bone strengthening PA on at least 3 days of the week
* Think any force on their bones (even walking!)
* It needs to be age appropriate and fun for the kid
It is important to encourage young people to participate in PA that are appropriate for their age, that are enjoyable, and that offer variety
KNOW: We shouldnt just eat less and move more w/ obesity. We should make small changes.
Participation in sports keeps dropping
* Often becuase they want to just sit inside and play video games
* Also, every sport is getting super competitive and lots of children don’t think its fun
Football is dropping because of concusion rates
Soft ball is dropping due to other sports taking over
These are reasons kids are stopping playing sports
No longer like the sports is often because of how competitive they’ve gotten
What must a kid have before starting strength training (2) and when can this happen?
requires balance and postural control
7-8 years old is when they often have this
* Begin w/ low/no resistance until proper technique is established
* Preadolescents and adolsencents should avoid power lifting, body building, and maximal lifts until they reach physical and skeletal maturity
* No performance-enhancing substances or anabolic steriods
* A medical evaluation should be performed prior to begining
* Children w/ complex congenital cardiac disease should have consultation with a pediatric cardiololgist before beginning a strength training program
* strength training programs should inclide a 10-15 minute warm up and cool down
* Atheletes should have adequate intake of fluids and proprer nutrition
* A genrela strengthening program should address all major muscle groups, including the core, and exercise trhough the complete range of motion . More sports specific areas may be addressed subsequently
* Proper tehcnique and stretct supervision by a qualified instructor are critical safety compoents in any strength training probram involving preadolescents and adolsencets
* Any sign of illness or injury from strength training should be evaluated fully before allowing resumption of the EX program
Average weekly
Screen recommendations <18 months (TEST)
Avoid use of screen media other than video chatting
Screen time recommendations 18-24 months
Choose high quality programming and watch it with their children to help them udnerstand what they’re seeing
High quality = low impact, things like sesime street
* move slow
* High educational impact
Screen reccomations 2-5 years
Limit to 1 hour per day of high quality programs. Patients should co-view media w/ children to help them understand what they’re seeing
Screen reccomations 6+
Place consistent limits on the time spent using media, and the types of emdua, and make sure media does not take palce of adequate sleep, physical activity and other behaviors essential to health
NOTE correlation does not equal cuasation
Calorie recommendations (don’t memorize)
Portion sizes are getting larger
What percent of adds on TV are Food ads?