L29: Biological, Mechanical & Psychosocial Hazards at Work Flashcards
Biological hazards in the workplace Includes β¦.
- pathogenic micro-organisms
- viruses
- toxins (from biological sources)
- spores
- fungi and bio-active substances
Epidemeology of communicable diseases caused by exposures to biological hazards
in the workplace
Worldwide, it is estimated that around 320 000 workers die each year from communicable diseases caused by exposures to biological hazards
in the workplace
Who is exposed to biological workplace hazards?
Check Summary
Health Care workers are exposed to biological hazards via β¦.
Animal Breeders & Handlers, Farmers & Vets
- In contact with animals or animal products (blood, tissue, milk, eggs) are exposed to animal diseases and infections (zoonoses) e.g. avian flu, tetanus or other agents that can cause serious allergy via sensitization.
Exposure to molds & Yeast is common in β¦..
βΆ some industrial processes
β· in workplaces with air conditioning systems and high humidity.
Molds can also exacerbate (make worse) the symptoms of allergies including:
βΆ Wheezing
β· chest tightness
βΈ shortness of breath
βΉ nasal congestion
βΊ eye irritation.
People who are β¦β¦. are usually more susceptible to health problems from molds
immuno-suppressed, or recovering from surgery
Examples of Mechanical Workplace Hazards
βΆ Accidents and injuries
β· Strains/Sprains, Cuts
βΈ Shearing Injuries
βΉ Crushing Injuries and fractures
- Ergonomic hazards are an extremely common type of workplace hazard.
- They can exist in many different types of work environments, ranging from β¦..
offices to factory assembly lines.
An ergonomic hazard is β¦β¦
something which can put strain on a personβs
musculoskeletal system causing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
Ergonomic hazards is caused by:
βΆ by sitting at a chair or workstation that isnβt properly adjusted
β· making repetitive movements throughout the day
βΈ making strenuous/awkward movements throughout the day.
Def of Psychosocial Workplace hazards
Psychosocial hazards include those that can have an adverse effect on an employeeβs mental health or wellbeing.
Examples of Psychosocial Workplace hazards
- Sexual harassment
- Victimization
- Workplace violence
- Job stress
- Long hours
- Rotating work shifts
- Demanding jobs
- limited decision latitude
- Competing time demands
- Repetitive tasks
- Threat of violence
- Job insecurity
- Poor management
General Methods of prevention of occupational hazards
Aim in prevention of occupational hazards
- The main aim is to eliminate the HAZARD
If this is not possible, we try to eliminate the RISK i.e. eliminate the possibility that the HAZARD can induce health effects.
Preventive program includes
- Environmental (engineering) measures
- Medical measures
Preventive program includes
- Environmental (engineering) measures
Substitution of hazardous substances or operation by non-hazardous ones.
Isolation of the hazardous process inside the work places so that other surrounding workers are not affected
- isolation of radiation or noise sources
Segregation of the hazardous process away from the work places
incinerators (sources of gases)
electric generators (sources of noise)
ovens (sources of heat).
- By fans to increase air movement or by exhaust system for suction of toxic gases or dusts to be collected in a special disposal system .
Environmental Monitoring
- To assure that exposure at work places do not exceed the allowable levels or concentration (threshold limit value =TLV)
Assurance of Ergonomics in the workplace
- To adapt the work situation to the physical capabilities of the worker.
- This to avoid loss of effort and time and to prevent accidents and musculo- skeletal disorders
Preventive program includes
- Medical Measures
βΆ Pre-employment medical examination .
β· Periodic medical examination .
βΈ Personal protective devices.
βΉ Health education .
βΊ Immunization (HCWs