Recurrent inflammation/thrombosis of small/medium vessels in extremities
Buerger disease (strongly associated with tobacco)
Cardiac 1° tumor (kids)
Rhabdomyoma, often seen in tuberous sclerosis
Cardiac tumor (adults)
Metastasis, myxoma (90% in left atrium; “ball valve”)
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, hypotension
21-hydroxylase deficiency
Pituitary adenoma (usually benign tumor)
Iodine deficit/congenital hypothyroidism
Thyroid cancer
Papillary carcinoma (childhood irradiation)
Accidental excision during thyroidectomy
1° hyperparathyroidism
Adenomas, hyperplasia, carcinoma
2° hyperparathyroidism
Hypocalcemia of chronic kidney disease
Cushing syndrome
Iatrogenic (from corticosteroid therapy)
Adrenocortical adenoma (secretes excess cortisol)
ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma (Cushing disease)
Paraneoplastic (due to ACTH secretion by tumors)
1° hyperaldosteronism
Adrenal hyperplasia or adenoma
Tumor of the adrenal medulla (kids)
Neuroblastoma (malignant)
Tumor of the adrenal medulla (adults)
Pheochromocytoma (usually benign)
Refractory peptic ulcers and high gastrin levels
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (gastrinoma of duodenum or
pancreas), associated with MEN1
Esophageal cancer
Squamous cell carcinoma (worldwide); adenocarcinoma
Acute gastric ulcer associated with CNS injury
Cushing ulcer ( intracranial pressure stimulates vagal gastric H+ secretion)
Acute gastric ulcer associated with severe burns
Curling ulcer (greatly reduced plasma volume results in sloughing of gastric mucosa)
Bilateral ovarian metastases from gastric carcinoma
Krukenberg tumor (mucin-secreting signet ring cells)
Chronic atrophic gastritis (autoimmune)
Predisposition to gastric carcinoma (can also cause
pernicious anemia)
Gastric cancer
Alternating areas of transmural inflammation and normal
Skip lesions (Crohn disease)
Site of diverticula
Sigmoid colon
Diverticulum in pharynx
Zenker diverticulum (diagnosed by barium swallow)
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Cirrhotic liver (associated with hepatitis B and C, alcoholism, and hemochromatosis)
Liver disease
Alcoholic cirrhosis
1° liver cancer
Hepatocellular carcinoma (chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, hemochromatosis, α1-antitrypsin deficiency, Wilson disease)
Congenital conjugated hyperbilirubinemia (black liver)
Dubin-Johnson syndrome (inability of hepatocytes to
secrete conjugated bilirubin into bile)