Pseudopalisading tumor cells on brain biopsy
Glioblastoma multiforme
Circular grouping of dark tumor cells surrounding pale
Homer-Wright rosettes (neuroblastoma, medulloblastoma)
“Waxy” casts with very low urine flow
Chronic end-stage renal disease
Nodular hyaline deposits in glomeruli
Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules (diabetic nephropathy)
Podocyte fusion or “effacement” on electron microscopy
Minimal change disease (child with nephrotic syndrome)
“Spikes” on basement membrane, “dome-like”
subepithelial deposits
Membranous nephropathy (nephrotic syndrome)
RBC casts in urine
“Tram-track” appearance of capillary loops of glomerular
basement membranes on light microscopy
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
Anti–glomerular basement membrane antibodies
Goodpasture syndrome (glomerulonephritis and hemoptysis)
Cellular crescents in Bowman capsule
Rapidly progressive (crescentic) glomerulonephritis
“Wire loop” glomerular capillary appearance on light
Diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis (usually seen with lupus)
Linear appearance of IgG deposition on glomerular and
alveolar basement membranes
Goodpasture syndrome
“Lumpy bumpy” appearance of glomeruli on immunofluorescence
Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (due to deposition of IgG, IgM, and C3)
Necrotizing vasculitis (lungs) and necrotizing glomerulonephritis
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener; PR3-ANCA/ c-ANCA) and Goodpasture syndrome (anti–basement
membrane antibodies)
Thyroid-like appearance of kidney
Chronic pyelonephritis (usually due to recurrent infections)
WBC casts in urine
Acute pyelonephritis
Renal epithelial casts in urine
Intrinsic renal failure (eg, ischemia or toxic injury)
hCG elevated
Choriocarcinoma, hydatidiform mole (occurs with and
without embryo, and multiple pregnancy)
Dysplastic squamous cervical cells with “raisinoid” nuclei
and hyperchromasia
Koilocytes (HPV: predisposes to cervical cancer)
Disarrayed granulosa cells arranged around collections of
eosinophilic fluid
Call-Exner bodies (granulosa cell tumor of the ovary)
“Chocolate cyst” of ovary
Endometriosis (frequently involves both ovaries)
Mammary gland (“blue domed”) cyst
Fibrocystic change of the breast
Glomerulus-like structure surrounding vessel in germ
Schiller-Duval bodies (yolk sac tumor)
Rectangular, crystal-like, cytoplasmic inclusions in Leydig cells
Reinke crystals (Leydig cell tumor)
Thrombi made of white/red layers
Lines of Zahn (arterial thrombus, layers of platelets/
Hexagonal, double-pointed, needle-like crystals in
bronchial secretions
Bronchial asthma (Charcot-Leyden crystals: eosinophilic granules)
Desquamated epithelium casts in sputum
Curschmann spirals (bronchial asthma; can result in whorled mucous plugs)
“Honeycomb lung” on x-ray or CT
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Colonies of mucoid Pseudomonas in lungs
Cystic fibrosis (autosomal recessive mutation in CFTR gene fat-soluble vitamin deficiency and mucous plugs)
Iron-containing nodules in alveolar septum
Ferruginous bodies (asbestosis: chance of lung cancer)
Bronchogenic apical lung tumor on imaging
Pancoast tumor (can compress cervical sympathetic chain and cause Horner syndrome)