severe jaundice in the neonate
crigler najjar syndrome (congenital unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia)
golden brown rings around peripheral cornea
wilson disease (kayser-fleischer rings due to copper accumulation)
fat, female, forty, fertile
painless jaundice
cancer of the pancreatic head obstructing bile duct
bluish line on gingiva
burton line (lead poisoning)
short stature, cafe au lait spots, thumb/radial defects, increase incidence of tumors/leukemia, aplastic anemia
fanconi anemia
red/pink urine, fragile RBCs
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
painful blue fingers/toes, hemolytic anemia
cold agglutinin disease
petechiae, mucosal bleeding, prolonged time
platelet disorders (glanzmann thrombasthenia, bernard soulier)
fever, night sweats, weight loss
B symptoms of malignancy
skin patches/plaques, pautrier microabcesses, atypical T cells
mycosis fungoides or sezary syndrome (mycosis fungoides+malignant T cells in blood)
WBCs that look smudged
neonate with arm paralysis following difficult birth, arm in waiters tip position
Erb Duchenne palsy (C5-C6)
anterior drawer sign +
anterior cruciate ligament injury
bone pain, bone enlargement, arthritis
osteitis deformans (paget disease of bone, increase osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity)
swollen, hard, painful finger joints in an elderly individual, pain worse with activity
osteoarthritis (osteophytes on PIP, bouchard nodes), DIP (heberden nodes)
sudden swollen/painful big toe joint, tophi
gout/podagra (hyperuricemia)
dry eyes, dry mouth, arthritis in a male
sjrogren syndrome
butterfly facial rush and raynauds phenom in a young female
systemic lupus erythematous
painful fingers/toes changing color from white to blue to red with cold or stress
raynaud phenom
Anticentromere antibodies
scleroderma (CREST)
dark purple skin/mouth nodules in a patient with AIDs
kaposi sarcoma, associated with HHV-8
anti desmoglein antibodies
pemphigus vulgaris (blistering)
pruritic, purple, polygonal planar papules and plaques (6 Ps)
lichen planus
increase AFP in amniotic fluid/maternal serum
dating error, ancephaly, spina bifida
ataxia, nystagmus, vertigo, dysarthria
cerebellar lesion