mastoid branch of the occipital artery
emissary vein from sigmoid sinus
mastoid foramen
mental nerve
mental artery and vein
mental foramen
tear duct
nasolacrimal canal
optic nerve
ophthalmic artery from internal carotid A
central retinal artery and vein
optic foramen
emissary vein
parietal foramen
chorda tympanic branch of the facial nerve
petryotympanic (squamotympanic) fissure
pharyngeal branch of maxillary artery
pharyngeal branch of greater petrosal nerve from facial nerve 7
pharyngeal canals (vomerovaginal canal)
emissary vein, meningeal branch of occipital artery
posterior condylar canal
posterior ethmoidal nerve
posterior ethmoidal artery and vein
posterior ethmoidal foramen
posterior superior alveolar nerve
posterior superior alveolar artery and vein
posterior superior alveolar (maxillary) foramen
nerve of the pterygoid canal
pterygoid (Vidian) canal
maxillary artery
posterior superior alveolar nerve (form maxillary)
pterygoaxillary fissure
descending palatine nerve
descending palatine artery and vein
pterygopalatine (descending palatine) canal
pterygopalatine artery and nerve
pharyngeal artery and vein
pterygopalatine (sphenopalatine) foramen
facial nerve proper
stylomastoid foramen
cartilaginous portion of auditory tube
sulcus tubae auditivae
oculomotor n CN III trochlear n CN IV ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve (V1) abducent n CN VI ophthalmic V
superior orbital fissure
zygomaoicofacial branch of the zygomatic nerve of maxillary n (V2)
zygomaticofacial foramen
zygomatic nerve of maxillary n (V2)
zygomatic-orbital foramen