toe extension/fanning upon plantar scrape
babinski sign (UMN lesion)
hyperphagia, hypersexuality, hyperorality
kluver bucy syndrome (bilateral amygdala lesion)
resting tremor, athetosis, chorea
basal ganglia lesion
lucid interval after TBI
epidural hematoma (middle meningeal artery)
worst headache of my life
subarachnoid hemorrhage
resting tremor, rigidity, akinesia, postural instability, shuffling gait
parkinson disease (DA neurons in substantia nigra pars compacta)
chorea, dementia, caudate degeneration
huntington disease (autosomal dominant CAG repeat)
Nystagmus, intention tremor, scanning speech, bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia
Multiple sclerosis
Rapidly progressive limb weakness that ascends following
GI/upper respiratory infection
Guillain-Barré syndrome (acute inflammatory
demyelinating polyradiculopathy subtype)
Café-au-lait spots, Lisch nodules (iris hamartoma),
cutaneous neurofibromas, pheochromocytomas, optic gliomas
Neurofibromatosis type I
vascular birthmark (port wine stain) of the face
nevus flummeus
renal cell carcinoma, hemangioblastoma, angiomatosis, pheochromocytoma
von hippel lindau disease (dominant tumor suppressor gene mutation)
bilateral vestibular schwannomas
neurofibromatosis type II
hyperreflexia, hypertonia, babinski sign present
UMN damage
hyporeflexia, hypotonia, atrophy, fasciculations
LMN damage
spastic weakness, sensory loss, bowel/bladder dysfunction
spinal cord lesion
unilateral facial drooping involving forehead
LMN facial nerve (CN 7) palsy; UMN lesions spare the forehead
episodic vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss
meniere disease
ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis
horner syndrome (sympthetic chain lesion)
conjugate horizontal gaze palsy, horizontal diplopia
internuclear ophthalmopegia (damage to MLF; may unilateral or bilateral)
polyuria, renal tubular acidosis type II, growth failure, electrolyte imbalances, hypophosphatemic rickets
fanconi syndrome
athlete with polycythemia
2 degree to erythropoietin injection
periorbital and or peripheral edema, proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hypercholesterolemia
nephrotic syndrome
heriditary nephritis, sensorineural hearing loss, retinopathy, lens dislocation
alport syndrome (collagen IV)
streak ovaries,congenital heart disease, horseshoe kidney, cystic hygroma at birth, short stature, webbed neck, lymphedema
turner syndrome (45,XO)
red, itchy, swollem rash of nipple/areola
paget disease of the breast (sing of underlying neoplasm)
fibrous plaques in tunica albuginea of penis with abnormal curvature
peyronic disease
hypoxema, polycythemia, hypercapnia
chronic bronchitis (hyperplasia of mucous cells, blue bloater)
pink complexion, dyspnea, hyperventilation
emphysema or panacinar
bilateral hilar adenopathy, uveitis
sarcoidosis (noncaseating granuloma)