Growth and development!✨👧👩👵 Flashcards
How does a persons life begins and eventually what happens to their cells?
Every person on Earth began as a single cell, which divided to produce two cells, each cell got bigger, and then divided again.
What is an embryo and what does it eventually form?
To begin with, all the cells, which are the same, produce a little ball of cells called embryo, and eventually a baby.
Where is the embryo formed?
The embryo and it’s growth take place in the mother’s body.
Until when does a baby grow?
By the time the baby is born, it is a miniature human being, which grows until it is about 18-20 years old.
What does a pregnant woman and a growing child need to have in her diet?
Cells contain a lot of protein, and energy is needed to make cells divide, so a pregnant woman and a growing child needs plenty of protein and energy to make cells divide.
How does a baby change, aside from just growth.
As the tiny embryo grows into a baby, all its different tissues and organs are formed.As the baby grows into a child, its leg muscles and bones become stronger, so that it can walk and then run, and its brain develops, as it learns to talk and play with toys.
What are these changes called?
These changes are called development.
How do different people grow and develop in different ways, and what are the similarities?
Each person is an individual, and everyone grows and develops at slightly different rates, and in slightly different ways. But everyone goes through the same stages in development.
What are the stages that everyone goes through?
They are baby, toddler, child, adolescent, adult.