Gonorrhoea Flashcards
How would you describe gonorrhoea organism?
Gram negative intracellular diplococcus
Primary sites of gonorrhoea infection?
Mucous membranes of urethra
Incubation period of urethral gonorrhoea infection in men?
2-5 days
20% risk from infected women to male partenr. What is the risk vice versa?
50-90% infected man to female partner
Presnetation of gonorrhoea?
Mucopurulent urethral discharge
Urethral GC infection (discharge >90% dysuria)
Pharyngeal/rectal GC infections: mostly asymptomatic
Endocervical GC infection: discharge, irregular bleeding and external dysuria
Testing for Gonorrhoea?
Vulvovaginal sab Urine: first void urine Throat swab Rectal swab NAATs screening tests Microscopy (symptomatic) Culture (if micro +ve or contact of GC)
Treatment for gonorrhoea?
1st line: Ceftriaxone 1G IM
2nd line: Cefixime 400mg oral plus azithromycin 2G (only if IM injection is contra-indicated)
Lower genital tract potential complications?
Bartholonitis Tysonitis Periurethral abscess Rectal abscess Epididymitis Urethral stricture
Upper genital tract complications?
Endometritis PID Hydrosalpinx Ectopic pregnancy Infertility Prostatitis
What is Mycoplasma Genitalium?
Emerging sexually transmitted pathogen
assoc with non-gonococcal urethritis and PID
What is more common chlamydia or gonorrhoea?
What gender is chlamydia more common in and what gender is gonorrhoea more common in?
Chlamydia: Women
Gonorrhoea: Men
Presentation of men with gonorrhoea?
Anterior urethritis with mucopurulent or purulent urethral discharge and dysuria
Women with GC infection presentation?
Increased vaginal discharge
Post-coital intermenstrual bleeding
Lower abdo pain
Test of choice for gonorrhoea?
Nucleic acid amplification tests
Men test?
First void urine
Urethral swabs
Women test?
Vulvo-vaginal swabs
Endocervical swabs
MSM test for gonorrhoea?
Rectal or pharyngeal swabs
Incubation of women with gonorrhoea infection?
2-14 days
Which sex more likely to pass on GC?
Men to women partner
Patients with confirmed GC must be…
Referred to sexual and reproductive health because antimicrobial resistance is high ad treatment should be prescribed with sensitivity testing
Often treatment for GC is?