Glaciated Landscapes SG2b Flashcards
Define Moraine
An accumulation of glacial till to form a ridge
What are the four main characteristics of glacial moraine?
Angular, Unsorted, No orientated, Not stratified
What are the five types of moraine?
Lateral, Terminal, Recessional, Push, Medial
What are three factors controlling the height of a terminal moraine?
The length of time the glacier is stationary, Amount of debris in the glacier, Geology
Define Till Sheets
An extensive flat plain of unstratified drift deposited by the thinning ice sheet
Define Drumlin
A streamlined hill which is composed of subglacial sediment
What are the dimensions of a drumlin?
1km long, 500m wide, 50m high
What are the three theories for drumlin formation?
Glacier loses competency, Re-advancing glaciers, Rock drumlin
Define Erratic
Large boulders foreign to the local geology
Define End Moraine
The collective term for the three types of moraine ridge that can be formed from deposition at the snout
Define Lateral Moraine
A ridge of till running along the edge of a glacial valley
Define Medial Moraine
A ridge of till running along the middle of a glacial valley
Define Push Moraine
Till which has been shunted up into a mound, The till is orientated
Define Recessional Moraine
A series of ridges running transversely across glacial troughs and which are parallel to each other, Found further up valley than the terminal moraine
Define Terminal Moraine
A ridge of till extending across a glacial trough, Usually steeper on the up-valley side and is crescent shaped