Geo 030 Final Flashcards
Antiquities Act
1906 Presidents make geological wonders national monuments
Rexford Tugwell and the Resettlement Admin
Relocate farmers in Dust Bowl to conserve Ag
ML Wilson
USDA school of philosophy in build self-confident farmers.
1907 Fulton Amendment
Creation of National Parks is pushed from president to congress in reaction to midnight reserves
James Scott’s Wisdom
Favor reversibility
Negative effects of Scientific Forestry
Buildup, Erosion, Monocrop, Insect plagues, Fires, High quality trees. Easy counting
George Perkins Marsh
Spent time in Europe in the 1800s and saw need for UTILITARIAN CONSERVATION
Man and Nature
George Perkins Marsh
Who started Adirondack Park?
George Perkins Marsh
Gifford Pinchot
Wealthy Yale boy who studied scientific forestry in Europe
Who moved DOF to the USDA
Liebig’s Law
Growth controlled by scarcest resource
Modern Day St. Louis
Genisis 1
Humans dominate Earth
Genisis 2
Humans (Adam) tend the Earth
Genisis 3
Expulsion from Eden
Francis Bacon
Innocence via Religion
Dominion Via Science MASTER NATURE
Isaac Newton
Mechanical Earth
John Locke
Commodification of all things. You ownt he land you work
John Muir
The previous industrialist who becomes blind and founds Sierra Club
What park and controversy did Muir Deal with
Hetch Hetchy and Yosemite
Mary Hemenway
Audobon Society and Bird Hats
Lacey Act 1900 and what did start
Prohibited transportation of illegally killed wildlife. 1973 Endangered Species Act
Frank Waugh
1917 LARCH who saw recreation potential is parks.
Arthur Carhart
Hired to do Trapper’s Lake, CO and said to do NOTHING
Game management and who created it?
Manipulating environment to help animals. Aldo Leopold
Who proposed the Ice Age in 1837
Louis Agassiz
Wilderness society
Protect wilderness - roadless areas
Domestic animals can graze in wilderness
Wilderness act 1964
The land ethic
1949 Aldo Leopold the complexity of the land and how people, not the go Ernest should take care of it
William Douglas
Sierra club vs Morton. Rivers can be defended in court.
Scenic nationalism
Giving America recreation to compete with Europe via national parks
Louis Agassiz
proposed idea of ice age 1837
what did the wilderness society do in 1935
fire to protect wilderness (roadless wilderness) areas
wilderness act 1964
animals can graze in wilderness (domestic)
What are these ideas from
- the use of land needs economic value
- we have only made soils worse
- land holds the ethics, not the government
aldo Leopold in The Land Ethic
Inanimate objects should be protected in court
Regulation favors industry
sierra club vs morton william douglas
Model of national parks?
Who favored park infrastructure
Stephen Mater as first director of NPS
Name 4 Examples of Facade Nature
stocking creeks
fedding bears
killing animals and predators
The yellowstone firefall (yosemite)
What did George Mendez Wright want?
manage parks scientifically as an ecosystem standard
1963 STARKAR Leopold Report
Recreate national parks toward their original state and reintroduce predators
Man always interacts with nature
George Perkins Marsh
Who put the borough of Forestry into the USDA?
What did Richard Eli Want
To bring conservation to agriculture
ML Wilson wants
Rural boys with self confidence
Who said Power=Knowledge?
Michael focoult
When were wolves reintroduced?
Lacey Act
Prohibited interstate transportation of illegally killed wildlife
What was a New Deal method to enact agricultural democracy?
schools of philosophy
TVA 1933
Dam projects giving electric to much of rural Tennessee
1933 CCC
Young men make roads in National Parls
Soil conservation Service 1935
contour strip cropping
Who is Alice Hamilton
The first industrial toxin scientist
Who is Jane Addams
She helped inner city and immigrants with learning programs
What is Riverside Illinois?
What program lead to mass production of suburbs?
Vets emergency housing program
chemical warfare–>chemical farming example
aynhydrous ammonia fertilizer
What is sginificant about the 1956 inetrstate highway act?
it was funded 90% by FED 10% by GM
Hugh Moore 1954
Invented Dixie cups and The idea of a population bomb
Thomas Mathus
1798 principle of population the world can only sustain so many people
Margaret Sanger
Champion of birth control in 1960
What was so significant about the A BOMB
People finally realized the massive effect or destruction people can have on the world.
Fairfeild Osborne
1948 our plundered planet said if we continue on this path we will end mankind
Strontium 90
Heavy carcinogenic metal coming from nucelar bombs
Eugene Odum
developed the idea of an all inclusive ecosystem
Rachel Carson
1952 Silent Spring started the modern environmental movement
1976 NAT FOREST management act
Stop clearcutting
Increase emphasis of outdoor recreation
1972 roadless aerea review
Jimmy carter wanted it revised due to what we considered wildnerness areas. Previously believed only areas where humans had no interaction PURITY POLICY
1976 Federal Land Policy and management act
Bureau of land management oversees leftover land MINING GRAZING TIMBER unchallanged until this point
What was seen as an overreach of the FED and what did it lead to
federal land policy and management act
the 1979 Sage Brush Rebellion
How did Reagan view the environmental movement?
He said the problems were overblown and saw conservationists as extremists
Where did James Watt work and What 2 things did he say?
Security of Interior
Who is Dave Foremon and what did he inspire?
Tree sits
1981 Glen Canyon Dam demonstration
Tree spiking
Northern Spotted Owl
Threatened in 1990 and used Endangered Species act to protect forests
Northern Spotted Owl and ecnonomy?
What did the 1997 Kyoto policy ask?
To reduce emissions USA did not sign
Geronimo Trail Fire
in 1991 showed that USFS shouldn’t surpress fires
What is the Malpai Borderlands an exmaple of
Government and private owning land but not managing well
What did Jim Corbett and Drum Hadley argue about in what meeting?
In the Malpai Bordelands meetins they argued GOV
- let grasslands become shrublands
- suburban development
Lyn Jacobs
1992 Ranching destroying the west
Hwo to solve the tragedy of the commons…?
save land through privitization or big gov?
What movement did the sage brush rebellion inspire
the wise use movement
Who bought the largest peice of private land and what was it called?
Nature conservancy bought gray ranch
What idea did grey ranch inspire
the biosphere reserve model
What 3 areas are in the biosphere reserve model?
limited grazing
range for livestock
What is a conservation Easement?
Private landowners giving property to third parties to conserve in order to receive tax breaks
What are grassbanks manage by?
A third party and make
- prescribed burns
- landowner educatiuon
- conserve easement
- watershed restoration
- take care of invasive species
What happen in 1981 to Purity Pricing
Regulation was taken of milk prices
What is a CAF and 3 things they do?
- 1 company does all processing
- Reduces Labor
- Give animals antibitotics
RBGH and its significance
Bovine growth hormone made by monsanto
- it is banned in many places and definitely ahrms animals, but not humans
Organic Valley Co-ops 1988
Members set standards for operations and SET PRICES not TAKE PRICES
Horizon organics
CAF style organic operation
2010 organic grazing rule
livestock must remain outside. this stopped large agro business to not be able to step into organics so easily
community supported agriculture
consumers invest in their local farmers to share risk
Love Canal
Starts the 1980 superfund law when a school is built over a superfund site
What does the superfund act do?
Gatehrs taxes from potential SUPERFUND sites to fund cleanup of others
“Black Love Canal”
Warren County, NC
What is the precautionary principle?
How do we limit harm instead of tolerate it?
Majora Carter
Turned South Bronx into an environmentally friendly area
What did the national environmental policy act of 1970 require?
Environmental impact statements must be submitted for all federally funded sites
What is mastistis and what does it come from
utter infection that routes from RBGH
Which species was the surpreme court test case that provided interpretation of the Endangered Species Act?
Snail Darter
What book did Robert Bullard Author?
Dumping in Dixie
2007 report scientists agree that global warming is real and human induced
suante Archeiuius
Discovered the greenhouse affect and thought it would eb a good thing
What banned the use of CFCs and what was the year
The Montreal Protocol of 1987