final part 1 Flashcards
referred to the social classes in French society
French social class comprised of clergy
1st estate
nobility of French social class
2nd estate
French social class of professionals, laborers, and peasants
3rd estate
assembly called by Louis XVI for approval of new taxes
Estates General
motto of the French revolution
Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity
women of Paris storm royal palace; king forced to Paris
March on Versailles
political exile who fled France
led the Jacobins and the reign of Terror
Max Robiespierre
Jan. 21. 1798- French monarch executed by guillotine
Louis XVI
drafting into the military
movement to “Annihilate enemies of French republic”
Reign of Terror
French government before 1789
stroke of state” seize power by force
coup d’etat
burning, destroying supplies as retreat; enemy can’t use
“scorched earth”
harsh climate conditions of Napoleon’s Russia invasion
General Winter
site of Napoleon’s second and final exile
St. Helena
middle class: professionals, merchants, bankers
enclosure movement
fenced off public lands
shabby, run down living quarters of industrial workers
business owned by one person
sole proprietorship
theory of limiting government intervention in business
working class according to Karl Marx
periods of prosperity and decline in the economy
business cycle
father of classical economics
Adam Smith
mechanization takes place of manual labor in 1800
industrial Revolution
owners of production according to Karl Marx
land, labor, capital/equipment
factors of production
revolutionized auto industry; implemented assembly line
Henry Ford
corporation gaining almost complete control of the production process of a good or service