chapter 17 section 3 Flashcards
West Africa was a major center of
slave trade
early 1800s - most European countries
abolished slave trade
former slave centers turned to
other types of trade
other types of trade include
palm oil, feathers, ivory, and rubber
these were called luxurious items
only independent state in West Africa
Liberia was settled by
former slaves from the United States
U.S. kept country from
becoming European colony
Henry Stanley (1871) hired to
find Dr. David Livingstone
Dr. David Livingstone
missionary who disappeared in Central Africa
Stanley thought
Europeans should develop the huge area he explored
1890s :Rinderfest
disease carried by cattle imported from Europe
people were to weak to
resist The Europeans
European settlement in West Africa begins
settled by the Dutch
the boers were descendants of the
original dutch settlers
Great Trek
mass migration of colinists
Boers came into contact with _______
their leader was _______
British joins war and defeated Zulu
Boers had kept British from
opening mines
1899 Boer war
in 1902 Boer war
british kept Boers peaceful by
allowing them to use Afrikaans language in schools and courts
providing funds to rebuild farms
English began a system of
racial segregation or apartheid