chapter 12 multiple choice Flashcards
group sat on left side in french legislature (1791)
radical revolutionaries
1792- french repel attack by the
Austria and Prussians
After Louis XVI’s execution, france governed as _____
reign of terror ended with _____
Robespierre’s execution
Napoleonic code
men were all created equal
freedom of worship
work in occupation of your choice
louis XVI calls estate general to
win support for economic reforms
at estate general, 3rd estate wanted to
have all estates meet together
fall of bastille
showed popular support for the revolution
napoleon’s downfall came as a result of
his invasion of Russia
Results of french revolution
ended feudalism
limit the monarchy
France became a republic
continental system
napoleons plan to force Britain to surrender
Napoleon controlled
Napoleonic code was important because
france had a uniform system of law
reign of terror, Robespierre tried to
crush opposition to the revoltuion
dissatisfaction of the directory
the government was corrupt and inefficient
napoleon gains power in France by
overthrowing the directory
problems faced by france before the revolution
food shortage
government in debt
outdated tax system
3rd estate
consisted of the middle class and the poor
old regime, burden of taxes largely fell on the
3rd estate
most serious economic problem facing french government in 1700s
farmers did not provide enough food