This class was created by Brainscape user akshay patel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (119)

vocab quiz #15
A ritual gesture common in the ro...,
States that governmental organiza...,
A roman slave of the first centur...
21  cards
chapter 11 section 1
Charles i was a believer in,
Presented by parliament to charles,
Petition of right said 3 things
18  cards
chapter 11 section 1 fill in the blank
The ______ were english citizens ...,
The _________ was the name to des...,
_______ belief in the divine righ...
6  cards
chapter 11 section 2
Charles ii was the son,
Charles ii nickname,
The monarchy being restored to en...
36  cards
chapter 11 section 2 fill in the blank
The reign of charles ii reflects ...,
The ____ who believed that james ...,
The bloodless transfer of power t...
7  cards
chapter 11 section 3 vocab
1497 explorer who gave england th...,
English sea captains that were tr...,
First english men to sail around ...
10  cards
chapter 11 section 3 fill in the blank
English merchants who had been tr...,
By the 1760 s ______ colonial emp...,
_______ of england entered the co...
10  cards
chapter 11 section 4
The enlightenment period was also...,
Thinkers during the enlightenment,
The enlightenment emphasized
14  cards
fill in the blank chapter 11 section 4
_____ thinkers examined and chall...,
The belief that truth can be dete...,
___ published the spirit of the laws
6  cards
chapter 11 multiple choice
John locke argued that,
1500s england group who voted for...,
Glorious revolution triggered when
21  cards
vocab section 16
In the religion of islam ___ is t...,
_____ was a great philosopher of ...,
Jesus had twelve main followers w...
20  cards
vocab quiz 17
According to the new testament je...,
Moses led the israelites out of e...,
Means going without food or certa...
19  cards
chapter 12 section 1 outline
French government prior to 1789,
French social classes,
First estate made up of the ____
31  cards
chapter 12 section 2
Bastille stormed by peasants on,
The ____ swept across the land,
Peasants angry because of
23  cards
chapter 12 section 3
The first meeting of the national...,
Delegates to the national convent...,
Universal manhood suffrage means
26  cards
chapter 12 section 4
First form of government under na...,
Napoleon rules as a ______ in his...,
People accepted napoleon s dictat...
38  cards
chapter 12 section 5
Post napoleon era 1 of the 3 goal...,
2 principals guiding decision mak...,
A payment for damages
8  cards
chapter 12 section 1 true/false sheet
The third estate was comprised of...,
One reason that discontent began ...,
Peasants workers and the bourgeoi...
6  cards
chapter 12 section 2 fill in the blank sheet
On july 14 1789 parisians capture...,
A group of parisian radicals seiz...,
______ nobles who fled france for...
6  cards
chapter 12 section 3 - matching
________ requires unmarried able ...,
_______ the right of every adult ...,
________ frenchman who is conside...
5  cards
chapter 12 section 4 fill in the blank sheet
The _______ of 1799 made napoleon...,
Scholars organized all of french ...,
When _______ failed to have a chi...
7  cards
chapter 12 extras
Pride devotion and loyalty to one...,
Government run schools set up by ...,
The national convention confiscat...
11  cards
chapter 12 multiple choice
Group sat on left side in french ...,
1792 french repel attack by the,
After louis xvi s execution franc...
20  cards
vocab quiz 18
Paintings or statues of mary hold...,
The _______ or wise men visited t...,
_________ was a german religious ...
20  cards
chapter 13 section 1
Before 1600 most european village...,
Smaller landholdings combined int...,
What are tenant farmers
37  cards
chapter 13 section 1 fill in the blank
The industrial revolution began i...,
Richard arkwright invented a way ...,
Eli whitney s ________ allowed th...
5  cards
chapter 13 section 2
Employers wanted workers who coul...,
______ and _______ became efficie...,
Young men and women preferred wor...
20  cards
chapter 13 section 2 true and false
Since factory owners wanted to pr...,
Factory workers were force to adj...,
The lower classes gained increasi...
3  cards
chapter 13 section 3
An economic system in which indiv...,
Most capitalists were merchants w...,
Capitalists became involved in pr...
21  cards
chapter 13 section 4
Mercantilism is a theory based _____,
That wealth is _____,
Physiocrats believe that natural ...
21  cards
chapter 13 section 5
Government owns production and op...,
Economy during industrial revolut...,
During the industrial revolution ...
24  cards
chapter 13 multiple choice
1800s population in europe increased,
1st industry affected by the fact...,
Chief source of power during the ...
12  cards
chapter 13 section 4 fill in the blank
I am the idea that government sho...,
I am a process of negotiation in ...,
I reasoned that two natural laws ...
6  cards
chapter 13 section 5 fill in the blank
The capital and equipment used to...,
Karl marx saw the capitalist stag...,
The political and economic system...
5  cards
chapter 13 people
Jethro tull,
Charles townshed,
John kay
19  cards
vocab quiz 19
Was an ancient greek philosopher ...,
The _____ is the leader and ultim...,
______ was one of the twelve apos...
20  cards
chapter 14 section 1
How were thomas edison s light bu...,
How was the internal combustion e...,
What was the new power source in ...
18  cards
chapter 14 section 1 fill in the blank
The application of scientific sol...,
Michael faraday developed the fir...,
In 1879_________ created a light ...
6  cards
chapter 14 section 2
Examples of biological sciences,
Examples of physical sciences,
2 properties of the cell theory
25  cards
chapter 14 section 2 description
Discovered penicillin in 1928,
I discovered a new form of ray th...,
I am the naturalist who published...
8  cards
chapter 14 multiple choice
Early industrial revolution women...,
Population soared 19th century in...,
Origin of species written y
17  cards
chapter 14 section 3
Study of human culture through th...,
The study of different societies,
Who adopted the german term kultur
9  cards
chapter 14 section 4
Moving away from a population,
First permanent police force in l...,
Who organize the bobbies
12  cards
chapter 14 section 3 fill in the blank
Branches of knowledge that scient...,
According to ____ people who acqu...,
In his book the golden bough ___ ...
8  cards
chapter 14 section 4 true and true
The movements of people away from...,
One reason that people fled from ...
2  cards
chapter 15 section 1
Liberalism protecting of individu...,
Examples of social and economic p...
43  cards
vocab section 20
Very holy people who have died an...,
The name of the devil the spirit ...,
The most important sermon that je...
19  cards
chapter 15 section 2
Us attitude toward european affairs,
Us focus on,
Nw ordinance provided
24  cards
chapter 15 multiple choice
Napoleon considered himself a ___...,
2nd empire france collapsed when,
Irish peasants evicted from homes...
14  cards
chapter 15 section 3
Louis xviii restored as _______ b...,
The constitution limited,
Charles x was brother to
26  cards
chapter 15 section 4
Who colonized regions of brazil,
Controlled most of s america cent...,
Both spain and portugal based col...
27  cards
chapter 15 section 1 fill in the blank
I am queen victoria s favorite pr...,
I am the suffragette who establis...,
I am a reform measure that demand...
7  cards
chapter 15 section 2 fill in the blank
The united states was hurt by ___...,
People from the different regions...,
In 1863 the ______ freed slaves i...
7  cards
chapter 15 section 3 fill in the blank
________was an underlying force i...,
____called himself the citizen ki...,
_______ goaded the french into a ...
4  cards
chapter 15 section 4 true
Inspired by political reforms in ...,
Certain colonists were given huge...,
Colonial society was ruled by ___...
5  cards
chapter 16 section 1
Congress of vienna divided italy ...,
Risorgimento is italian for,
Risorgimento a _________ movement...
16  cards
chapter 16 section 2
Germany was made up of ______ ind...,
Each state had own,
________ leads fight for unification
34  cards
chapter 16 section 3
Problems for empire constitution ...,
Problems for empire dissatisfied ...,
Problems for empire feared bismar...
20  cards
chapter 16 multiple choice
Similarity between sardinia and p...,
December revolt in russia led by,
Bismarck support of worker benefits
20  cards
chapter 16 section 4
In the mid 1800s russia has the l...,
Industrial development,
26  cards
chapter 16 section 5
Hungary was one of the,
Magyars were,
In 1867 the dual monarchy formed ...
15  cards
chapter 16 section 1 fill in the blank
Napoleon had unified italy for a ...,
The italian nationalist movement ...,
Nationalists in italy could not w...
5  cards
chapter 16 section 2 fill in the blank
Prussian leader ____________ used...,
In 1815 the congress of vienna cr...,
Powerful german aristocrats calle...
7  cards
chapter 16 section 3 fill in the blank
Bismarck s anti catholic program ...,
In 1869 german socialists formed ...,
Bsimarck began an antisocialist c...
4  cards
chapter 16 section 4 peeps/things
Policy that encouraged the union ...,
Russia s parliamentary body that ...,
Reform document that abolished se...
8  cards
vocab quiz #21
Was the greatest greek warrior in...,
Was a greek youth who was so hand...,
Was the king who led the greek fo...
20  cards
chapter 17 section 1
When one country takes control of...,
Imperialism country might control...,
By 1914 european powers japan and...
30  cards
chapter 17 section 2
Attitude toward north africa,
Algiers _______________ in ottoma...,
18  cards
chapter 17 section 3
West africa was a major center of,
Early 1800s most european countries,
Former slave centers turned to
23  cards
chapter 17 section 1 extras
The years between 1870 and 1914 w...,
One country might control the oth...,
By 1914 the great powers of _____...
11  cards
chapter 17 section 2 extras
Morocco s strategic location on t...,
France promised not to get in the...,
The suez canal would go through t...
8  cards
chapter 17 section 3 extras
West africa had been a major cent...,
When the british moved inland fro...,
By the early 1900s __________ ___...
17  cards
chapter 17 multiple choice
African countries independent dur...,
Fashoda incident,
Slave gun cycle led to
19  cards
chapter 17 vocab
Governing colonies as parents wou...,
Name given by europeans to the ra...,
System of governing colonies by a...
7  cards
chapter 18 section 1 quiz stuff
The relative harmony among europe...,
_______ or the glorification of a...,
_________ launched the world s fi...
18  cards
chapter 18 section 1
By 1914 europeans had ___________...,
4 factors which fueled tensions a...,
Nationalism is
57  cards
chapter 18 section 2
Central powers countries included,
Allied powers countries included,
Warring nations
26  cards
chapter 18 section 3
War shows russia s,
Russia s weaknesses,
Russia s weaknesses led to
20  cards
chapter 18 section 2 extras
The warring countries formed 2 po...,
Unterseebooten meant ________ and...,
Airplanes were mainly used for
16  cards
chapter 18 multiple choice
Germany s war strategy,
Bismarck system of alliances,
United states enters war on allie...
20  cards
chapter 18 section 4
Aef basically meant,
John j pershing s nickname
32  cards
world history chapter 18 section 4 extras
In november 1918 the germans sign...,
An allied force under french mars...,
_________ the old hasburg empire ...
5  cards
chapter 19 section 1
Global epidemic was,
Pandemic is,
Spanish influenza
32  cards
#22 vocab
A temple at the city of delphi in...,
Was the goddess of grain and of f...,
The goddess of the hunt
20  cards
chapter 19 section 2
Much of prosperity fueled by,
European farmland,
1918 peace demand for certain cro...
45  cards
chapter 19 section 2 extras
In the postwar period countries a...,
During the 1920 s millions of ame...,
October 29 1929 is known as _____...
6  cards
chapter 19 section 3
France most tragic,
During war north france,
Modern parts of agriculture and i...
15  cards
chapter 19 section 1 extras
Young women who began to challeng...,
American woman who coined the ter...,
Architect who believed that build...
5  cards
chapter 19 section 3 extras
In order to prevent another invas...,
Known as the ____ this series of ...,
When right wing rioters in france...
4  cards
chapter 19 section 4 vocab
Facist party,
33  cards
chapter 19 section 5
Vladimir lenin,
War communism
15  cards
chapter 19 multiple choice
Hitler ignored versialles treaty ...,
Millions of russians die as a res...,
Totalitarian state
24  cards
final part 1
Referred to the social classes in...,
French social class comprised of ...,
Nobility of french social class
30  cards
final part 2
Introduced system of interchangea...,
Processof negotiating with which ...,
Invention of the telegraph revolu...
30  cards
final part 3
Huge estates given to the peninsu...,
1770 claimed australia for great ...,
1840s legislation keeping grain p...
30  cards
final part 4
General association of nations to...,
Nationalistic group that wanted t...,
His assassination was the spark t...
30  cards
final part 5
Fdr s advisory council during the...,
Fdr s program for relief recovery...,
Radio talks of encouragement form...
33  cards
chapter 21 section 1
Us secretary of state,
French minister,
The kellogg briand pact made war
22  cards
chapter 21 section 2
1933 hitler announces,
1936 march german troops,
The invasion of the rhineland vio...
28  cards
chapter 21 section 1 and 2 extras
During the 1930s aggression by __...,
More than 60 countries sign the _...,
Italy s fascist dictator ________...
10  cards
chapter 21 section 3
Took place with great speed and f...,
After a month of fighting,
France moves along the ______
30  cards
chapter 21 section 3 extras
I am the german airforce and was ...,
I said that americans could not s...,
I am a new king of warfare that t...
7  cards
chapter 21 section 4
Spain under rule of ________ rema...,
Mussolini hoped to build,
British liberated
18  cards
chapter 21 section 5
Hitler wanted to,
Hitler planned to gain _________ ...,
Pure ________ would colonize area
10  cards
chapter 21 section 6
Battle of stalingrad lasted for,
Feb 2 1943,
Leads allied troops in nafrica
19  cards
chapter 21 section 6 extras
A long and bloody six month battl...,
Belief that japanese pilots calle...,
Commander of the us troops who wi...
3  cards
chapter 21 multiple choice
Spanish civil war international i...,
Hitler challenge peace by sending...,
Immediate cause of wwii
20  cards
chapter 24 section 1
Leader of communist party of china,
Mao zedong became known as _________,
Group of radical young men and wo...
14  cards
chapter 24 section 2
Major cause of us china relations,
38th parallel,
The soviet union occupied
11  cards
chapter 24 section 3
After wwii truce american troops,
Japan s army was,
Japan s gov t leaders were
6  cards
chapter 24 section 4
In the late 1800s,
Viet minh was,
Ho chi minh was the leader of
22  cards
chapter 24 section 5
Six day war the sinai peninsula was,
Six day war east jerusalem was,
The palestine liberation organiza...
41  cards
chapter 24 multiple choice
Oil wealth in saudi arabia,
Pres nassier egypt built aswan da...,
Major cause of civil war in leban...
15  cards
chapter 26 section 1
In 1969 __________ becomes us pre...,
Vietnamization planned for ________,
Vietnamization american troops
32  cards
chapter 26 part 1 extras
The space age began on oct 4 1957...,
Soviet cosmonaut__________ became...,
In 1981 the us launched _______ i...
6  cards
chapter 26 section 2
Margaret thatcher,
Falkland islands are controlled b...,
Succeeded thatcher
18  cards
chapter 26 section 3
Independent countries controlled ...,
Soviets would step in if there wa...,
Last communist leader
12  cards
chapter 26 section 4
New york city trade center,
Oklahoma city,
Oklahmoa city attackers
14  cards
chapter 26 part 2 extras
President nixon searched for ways...,
Nixon was able to use ______ to f...,
The us failed to achieve its main...
10  cards

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World History Semester 2

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