Final Exam Flashcards
read the names of branches of maxillary nerve.
zygomatic nerve,
nasopalatine nerve,
posterior superior alveolar nerve,
greater & lesser palatine nerves,
pharyngeal nerve
name the branches of maxillary nerve.
zygomatic nerve,
nasopalatine nerve,
posterior superior alveolar nerve,
greater & lesser palatine nerves,
pharyngeal nerve
name the joint connected by a short ligament.
sutures/fibrous joints
axial plane divides the body into which parts?
superior and inferior
What is the name of the layer covering the bone marrow cavity?
which is not a styloid muscle?
styloid process gives origin to 3 muscles: syloglossus,
joint type of synovial joint?
hinged synovial
Which bone participates to medial wall of cranium?
ethmoid bone
Glenohumeral ligament is not inside the shoulder capsule.
just read.
Which structure is most lateral in anatomical position?
upper limb: thumb (pollex) is
the most lateral digit,
fifth toe (little toe) is the most lateral digit,
transverse processes of
the lumbar vertebrae,
temporal bones
Which plane can divide deltoid muscle into lateral & medial?
sagittal plane
Which of the following muscles has no brevis?
Muscles with brevis: Adductor brevis,
Fibularis brevis, Flexor hallucis brevis, Flexor digitorum brevis, Flexor digiti minimi
brevis, Extensor digitorum brevis, Extensor hallucis brevis
Flexor pollicis longus moves?
saddle type joint of thumb
Which is an intrinsic back muscle?
levator scapulae
Which muscle group is innervated by deep peroneal nerve?
anterior leg
Which one does not cause radiocarpal deviation?
pronator teres
Both ilioinguinal iliohypogastric nerve penetrates transverse abdominis muscle.
just read.
what are the contents of adductor canal or hunter’s canal/tunnel?
femoral artery, femoral vein, nerve to vastus medialis
and saphenous nerve
Intracapsular ligament of the knee
transverse ligament
Which organelle is involved in sorting & packing?
golgi apparatus
diagram which pathway conducts neurons fastest?
myelinated with largest diameter
Mutation in a baby’s gene causes?
Mitochondrial DNA contains?
maternal DNA
photolase and nucleotide excision repair
just read
Bacteria doesn’t have (introns)
just read.
DNA Polymerase
proofreads its own work
Aziz Sancar discovered?
photolyase enzyme
Human Genome project did NOT focus on collecting samples from different species?
just read.
mRNA is modified by (capping & polyadenylation) of it’s ends
translation takes place in?
liposomes as gene carriers.
Apoptosome is constructed out of which parts —> 7-armed complex recruits 7 molecules of procaspase-9 to form apoptosis & formation requires ATP
death induced by external factor?
extrinsic pathway
Xeroderma pigmentosum is caused by not being able to repair?
thymine dimers
which causes beri beri disease?
thiamine B1 deficiency
Align following enzymes & binding proteins in the order in which they function in DNA
replication —> Helicase - Binding Proteins - Primase - DNA Polymerase - Ligase.
Viruses can be used for DNA transfer in gene therapy.
- What refers to the synthesis of proteins from rRNA
Which one of these is an aneuploid —> Down syndrome (Trisomy 21)
Which of these condition causes sunburn & extreme reactions to sunlight due to which
patients can only go out during the night time?
xeroderma pigmentosum
Miller Dieker syndrome (Lissencephaly) is caused by defect in?
Which one of these isn’t autosomal dominant —> tay sachs (autosomal recessive)
Which one of these keeps the strands apart for polymerase
binding proteins
Breaks occur at both ends of chromosome & sticky ends unite.
ring chromosome
Which of the following gene is mutated in vitamin D resistant rickets?
HindIII recognition site —> AAGCTT / GATTC —> EcoRI / NotI.
Inactive Rb cause S phase activation
cyclin D1 and Cdk 4 ( not other type ) S phase regulators
P53 cause transcription of P21 gene to inhibit cell proliferation
The concentration of intermediate filaments is illustration sign for?
tumor recognition
peptide bond is formed in ————- OF RIBOSOMES
A site
- There is need for primer in order to start transcription
Mitochondria usually contain different gene property compare to nuclear genome
Proteomics (proteins) and metabolomic (small molecules) definitions
Proteomics is the study of the interactions, function, composition, and structures of proteins and their cellular activities
Metabolomics is the large-scale study of small molecules, commonly known as metabolites, within cells, biofluids, tissues or organisms
gap junction doesn’t have cytoskeleton component
DNA synthesis: 5n3 direction and is semidiscontinuous
Which enzyme separates DNA?
IUPAC naming
IUPAC nomenclature is based on naming a molecule’s longest chain of carbons connected by single bonds, whether in a continuous chain or in a ring. All deviations, either multiple bonds or atoms other than carbon and hydrogen, are indicated by prefixes or suffixes according to a specific set of priorities
Substitution reaction definition
one or more atoms or groups of atoms in a molecule
are replaced by another atom or group of atoms
Williamson-Ether synthesis; reaction of metal alkoxides and primary alkyl halides and tosylates
Best method for the preparation of ethers
dehydration of alcohol
Zaitsev’s Rule?
when an alkene is produced in an elimination reaction, the major
product is the one with the more highly
- substituted double bond.
ion responsible for depolarization?
Smooth muscle contraction is terminated by?
Dephosphorylation of myosin chain
Statement about smooth muscle contraction is correct —> Phosphorylation of a myosin
light chain allows actin myosin binding in smooth muscle
Functional unit of a striated muscle fiber is called?
Newborns have a lot of?
brown adipose tissue
Statement about acetylcholinesterase is true —> Degrades neurotransmitter which is found in the neuromuscular junction
Father of anatomy (Andreas Vesalius)
Father of blood circulation (William Harvey)
Which one of the following is the reason of trephenation?
To make the bad spirit that captured the body and soul leave the body
Which one of the following is the revolutionary concept developped based on life after
death during Assyro-Babylonian civilisation?
a) Metamorphosis
b) Reincarnation
c) Astrology
d) Birth anomalies represented an evil symbol
e) Mummification
Why snakes are used in Greek medicine (stimulate immune system)
Hippocrates was (Greek)
Which civilization called the hospitals Aesclepions (Greek)
Aurveda knowledge system (India)
Egyptians invented cauterization
- Medical theory of prehistoric times based on basic attempts like licking and blowing —>
Instinctive medicine
Macroconidia for identification of molds
Bacterial spores are very resistant to environmental factors like disinfection
Lipopolysaccharides in which types of bacteria (gram-negative bacteria)
false about prokaryotics…
- multisystem organisms…
Which is an asexual fungal spore (Arthrospere)
Which is a sexual fungal spore (Ascospore)
steps of viral replication: (recognition, attachment, penetration uncoating ,
macromolecular synthesis, assembly)
Which of the following cells have an ability to kill virus loaded cells directly without
antigen presentation by Major histocompatibility complex? Natural Killer Cells
- Which of the below cells is introducing antigen to T And B Cells in lymph node? Mature
dendritic cells
Which one of these produces antibodies —> plasma cells
immune cells in old age causes —> Decreased T cell, Reduced B cell function,
Changes in innate immunity, Increased autoimmunity
Which of the following is NOT an antigen presenting cell —> T-lymphocyte
Specialized Connective Tissue? Dense Regular Tissue
Lamina of nuclear envelope stabilize by laminin and collagen type IV
Lamina of nuclear envelope stabilize by laminin and collagen type IV
Goblet cell in epithelium of lung and intestine
The blood between intervillous space contain maternal blood
ou attend a lecture on the physiology of lactation and breast-feeding. Under the
influence of pregnancy-associated hormones, epithelial cells of the mammary gland
secrete lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins. The lipid components of breast milk are
released from the apical surface of the glandular epithelial cells as a lipid droplet within
an envelope of the plasma membrane. Which of the following terms best describes this
mechanism of secretion? Apocrine
6 steps or tissue processing in order: 1)fixation, 2) dehydration, 3) clearing, 4) infiltration,
5) embedding, 6) trimming
- Between which two layers is the extraembryonic mesoderm located (Cytotrophoblast
and exocoelomic membrane)
Until 20 weeks the placenta continues to grow wider and the placenta, membrane
consists of (Syncytiotrophoblast, cytotrophoblast, connective tissue of the villus and fetal
When you want to create a ligament/tendon-like structure you need to make dense
regular connective tissue
In which cartilage can you find type 2 ct? (Hyaline cartilage)
- Which of the following microscopic techniques would you prefer first to investigate
prepared slides (Slides with Hematoksilen and Eozin vs..)?
a) Scanning electronmicroscopy
b) Transmission electronmicroscopy
c) Fluorescent microscopy
d) Dark field microscopy
e) Light microscopy
(Light microscope) as first choice when analyzing blood smear
Osteoclasts in howships lacuna
Invasive tests (Cordocentesis- after week 18, Amniocentesis- only 14-16 weeks,
Chorionic Villus Sampling- only 8-10 weeks)
Noninvasive methods (Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein, First and second-trimester
maternal serum screening, Ultrasonography, Isolation of fetal cells from maternal
Human childhood period Development in humans (between infancy and adolescence)
Infertility definition (not being able to get pregnant (conceive) after one year (or longer) of
unprotected sex)
cell membrane definition
The cell membrane, also called the plasma membrane, is found in all cells and separates the interior of the cell from the outside environment. The cell membrane consists of a lipid bilayer that is semipermeable. The cell membrane regulates the transport of materials entering and exiting the cell.
Glucose galactose and fructose are involved in GLUT…2
Amylopectin has alpha 1-6 glycosidic linkages
Which compound below has β-(1, 2) glycosidic linkage? Lactose
(GLUT-4)……….is located on the plasma membranes of myocytes and adipocytes, it is
insulin-…(dependent).. & allows …(passive transport)……
Which statement is FALSE for NaK ATPase? A) It creates membrane potential across
the membranes B) It creates low intracellular sodium concentration C) It allows
secondary active transport D) It creates high intracellular potassium concentration E) It
creates high intracellular sodium concentration Dogru Sik….:E
hayluronic acid no covalent bonding with proteins, no sulphate
- Aggrecan main proteins of glycans of cartilage/ link proteins & core proteins
Heparin & heparin sulphate —> increase uptake of fatty acids / lipoprotein lipids/ increase in
concentration of enzyme
Hyalronic acid TGF/ regulation effect the factor effect
- Walls of aorta present in bone & cornea —> Chondrotin sulphate
- L-iduronic acid present in heparin
Heparin & heparin sulphate —> anticoagulant
Glycolipids —> gangliosides & sulphatides —> acidic Glycolipids
- Globosides/cerebrosides —> neutral Glycolipids
Phosphatidylserine has COO^-
- Phosphatidylthalomine has NH3
- Cardiolipin is major lipid of mitochondria
- Platelet activating factor (PAF) allergic response
X —> phosphocholine or phosphothanolamin bind to sphingosine … if X be a phosphocholine
sphingomeyline are produced
cholic acid most abundant in bile acids
Cholic acid mainly & other bile acids inhibit 7alphahydroxylase —> regulatory step of bile acid
7-alpha-hydroxylase in liver
7-alpha-dehydroxylation in intestine
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a coafactor of 7-alpha-hydroxylase
Conjugated bile acids are perioxomes of liver
Conjugated bile acids secreted into intestine / not bile acids
Free primary bile acids convert to secondary bile acids in intestine
- PGHS —> 2 enzyme activity / COX & peroxi
- Thromboxane & prostacyclins are antagonistic
- Tryptophen —> all of them have a phenyl ring
arginine & histidine (in children) —> semi essentia
- homocysteine & homoserine —> intermediate in amino acid metabolism
Tropocollagen basic structure of unit of collagen
- Glycine, x, y —> X = proline / Y= 4-hydroxyproline
Ascorbic acid is necessary for hydroxylation of proline & lysine residues
microfibrils cross-link by covalent bonds between lysl & hydroxylyl residues
Cross-linking enzyme —> lysl oxidase & copper is coafactor
deamination —> uracil & cytosine
TP converted to cAMP by adenylyl-cyclase
Vitamin B3 —> nicotinamide
Coenzyme A we have vitamin B5/ AMP
competitive inhibition is between succinate & fumarate
Malonate is the competitive inhibitor of succinate dehydrogenase
Lead poisoning —> non competitive inhibition type I / Vm decreases but Km remains same
Non competitive inhibition type II —> inhibitor binds to ES complex not free enzyme / Vm & Km
phenylalanine converted to tyrosine through tetrahydrobiopterin
* Phenylalanine-4-monooxygenase —> aka phenylalanine hydroxylase
fattyacyl-CoA desaturase enzyme system —> cytochrome B5 (cyt b5) involved
* FADH2 oxidized & cyt b5 reduced
catalytic unit of glucose-6-phosphatase in lumen of ER
- G protein activate adenylyl cyclase
- Phosphorylase kinase B & protein kinase A —>
allosteric activation by cAMP
Gluts —> 166/167
* 169 —> oxidative & nonoxidative part
* 180 —> second diagram
* 184 —> second diagram cori cycle
* 187 —> first diagram (know all of it)
* Complexes of respiratory chain
368/370/377(both) —> know shape
* 364 adipose tissue, first diagram