Fentanyl Flashcards
Fentanyl- Name
Fentanyl- Class
Narcotic Analgesic
Fentanyl- MoA
Provides analgesia and sedation by acting on the opiate receptors in the brain, blocking sensation of pain.
Fentanyl- Indication
sedation during rapid sequence intubation
moderate to severe pain
Fentanyl- Contra
patients who have received MAO inhibitors in the last 14 days
myasthenia gravis
Fentanyl- S/E
Cardiovascular: hypotension, bradycardia, circulatory depression, cardiac arrest
**CNS: **sedation, euphoria, dizziness, diaphoresis, seizures with high doses, delirium
Respiratory: respiratory depression or arrest, bronchoconstriction, laryngospasm
GI: nausea/vomiting, constipation
Fentanyl- Routes
IV, IO, IM, TD (home medication patch)
Fentanyl- A. Dose
25-100 mcg SLOW IV push (over 2-3 minutes)
Fentanyl- P. Dose
2.0 mcg/kg SLOW IV push or IM
Fentanyl- EXTRAS
Precautions: Use with caution in head injuries, suspected or known increased intracranial pressure; the elderly, debilitated or immuno-compromised patients; COPD or other respiratory problems and those with kidney or liver dysfunction.
Use caution in pregnancy and in children < 2 years old due to respiratory paralysis side effects.
Interactions: Alcohol and other CNS depressants potentiate effects of fentanyl; MAO inhibitors may precipitate hypertensive crisis.
Onset is immediate; peak effect in 3-5 min IV, 5-15 IM; duration is 30-60 minutes (or hours with transdermal patch).
Duration of respiratory depressant effects may be significantly longer than analgesic effects – always have oxygen immediately available and be prepared with intubation equipment and a narcotic antagonist (i.e. naloxone).