Exam #4 Chapter 12 part 2 (peripheral nerves) Flashcards
what spinal nerves does the cervical plexus originate from?
what spinal nerves the does the brachial plexus originate from?
what spinal nerves does the lumbar plexus originate from?
what spinal nerves does the sacral plexus originate from?
what plexus does the axillary nerve originate from?
the brachial plexus
what muscles does the axillary nerve innervate?
the teres minor and deltoid
what skin part of the skin does the axillary nerve innervate”?
inferior lateral shoulder (sensory)
what plexus does the radial nerve originate from?
the brachial plexus
what muscles does the radial nerve innervate? 9 (TBBEESEEE)
1) triceps brachii
2) brachialis (sensory only)
3) brachioradialis
4) extensor carpi radialis longus
5) exenternsor carpi radialis brevis
6) supinator
7) extensor digitorum
8) extensor digiti minimi
9) extensor carpi ulnaris
what part of the skin does the radial nerve innervate?
posterior surface of arm and forearm and lateral two-thirds of dorsum of hand (sensory)
what plexus does the musculocutaneous nerve originate from?
brachial plexus
what muscles dose the musculocutaneous nerve innervate? (3) (BCB)
1) biceps brachii
2) coracobrachialis
3) brachialis
what part of the skin does the musculocutaneous nerve innervate?
the lateral surface of the forearm (sensory)
what plexus does the ulnar nerve originate from?
the brachial plexus
what muscles does the ulnar nerve innervate? ()
adductor pollicis
what part of the skin does the ulnar nerve innervate?
the medial third of hand, little finger and medial half of ring finger (sensory)
what plexus does the median nerve originate from?
brachial plexus
what muscles does the median nerve innervate? (4) (pfpf)
1) pronator teres
2) flexor carpi radialis
3) palmaris longus
4) flexor digitorum superficialis
what part of the skin does the median nerve innervate?
lateral two thirds of palm of hand, thumb, index finger and middle fingers and lateral half of ring finger and dorsal tips of same fingers (sensory)
what plexus does the obturator nerve originate from?
lumbosacral plexus
what muscles does the obturator nerve innervate? (5) (OAAAG)
1) obturator externus
2) adductor magnus (adductor part)
3) adductor longus
4) adductor brevis
5) gracilis
what part of the skin does the obturator nerve innervate?
superior medial side of thigh (sensory)
what plexus does the femoral nerve originate from?
lumbosacral plexus
what muscles does the femoral nerve innervate? (7) (PIPVVVR)
1) psoas major
2) iliacus
3) pectineus
4) vastus lateralis
5) vastus intermedius
6) vastus medialis
7) rectus femoris
what part of the skin does the femoral nerve innervate/
anterior and lateral branches supply the anterior and lateral thigh. saphenous branch supplies the medial leg and foot
what plexus does the tibial nerve originate from?
the lumbosacral plexus
what muscles does the tibial nerve innervate? (10) (BSSAPGSTPF)
1) bicepts femoris (long head)
2) semitendinosus
3) semimembranosus
4) adductor magnus (hamstring part)
5) plantaris
6) gastrocnemius
7) soleus
8) tibialis posterior
9) popliteus
10) flexor digitorum longus
what part of the skin does the tibial nerve innervate?
what plexus does the medial and lateral plantar nerves originate from?
lumbosacral plexus (tibial nerve)
what muscles does the medial and lateral plantar nerves innervate?
plantar muscles of the foot
what part of the skin does the medial and lateral plantar nerves innervate?
sole of foot (sensory)
what plexus does the sural nerve originate from?
lumbosacral plexus (tibial nerve)
what muscles does the sural nerve innervate?
what part of the skin does the sural nerve innervate?
lateral and posterior one-third of leg and lateral side of foot
what plexus does the common fibular (peroneal) nerve originate from?
the lumbosacral plexus
what muscles does the common fibular (peroneal) nerve innervate?
biceps femoris (short head)
what part of the skin does the common fibular (peroneal) nerve innervate?
lateral surface of knee
what plexus does the deep fibular (peroneal) nerve?
lumbosacral plexus (common fibular (peroneal) nerve)
what muscles does the deep fibular (peroneal) nerve innervate? (5) (TFEEE)
1) tibialis anterior
2) fibularis tertius
3) extensor digitorum longus
4) extensor hallucis longus
5) extensor digitorum brevis
what part of the skin does the deep fibular (peroneal) nerve innervate?
the great and second toes
what plexus does the superficial fibular (Peroneal) nerve originate
the lumbosacral plexus (common fibular (peroneal) nerve)
what muscles does the superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve innervate? (2) (FF)
1) fibularis longus
2) fibularis brevis
what part of the skin does the superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve innervate?
dorsal anterior third of leg and dorsum of foot