Evolution types/ natural selection Flashcards
natural selection only gets rid of
things that are BAD. Neutral or useless traits will not be removed
for natural selection to take place
Trait must be genetic (not acquired)
Must have more than 1 allele
More individuals born than can live
One allele must result in greater fitness
natural selection=
the ONLY mechanism of evolution that leads to adaptation
evolutionary adaptation
change gene frequency to better match environment
morphological adaptation
physical form
dimorphism (2 body types) and polymorphism (many body types)
physiological adaptation
how body functions internally
behavioral adaptation
behaviors that are not learned but are instinctual are inherited and can undergo evolution
balancing selection
balanced polymorphism (multiple phenotypes)due to heterozygote advantage maintains 2 phenotypes
stabilizing selection
selective advantage of Median variation
directional selection
selective advantage of one extreme
disruptive selection
selective advantage of Both extremes
sexual selection
any type of selection that is based on ability to mate
sickle cell anemia
point mutation(a 1 base substitution) result = abnormal hemoglobin that makes RBC sickle in low O2 conditions sickled cells block capillaries co-dominant Hbn and Hbs
Malaria caused by protist Plasmodium an endoparasite of RBC
balancing selection sickle cell anemia
Heterozygous condition ( half sickle cell half not) reduces effects of malaria creates a balanced polymorphism, between 2 alleles
frequency dependant selection
May also create balanced polymorphism (balancing selection)
ex scale eating fish (eat left, right, left..)
side blotched lizard(rock paper scissors)
stabilizing selection ex
human babies low birth weight= more complications
high birth weight= more complications
medium weight= best chance for survival
directional selection example
grant finches, larger beaks after drought
moths for dark colored and light colored population
rock pocket mouse