Epithelium and Connective Tissue Flashcards
Tissue is made of ____ and _____
cells and extracellular matrix
What is known as the suspension medium that surrounds cells?
extracellular matrix
What type of tissue is described as sheets that line and cover body surface, body cavities, and the inside and outside of hollow organs?
The function of epithelia depends on the ___ type
Where would you find epithelial tissues in the body?
skin, lining hollow organs, lining body cavities
What are the type main types of epithelia?
membranous and glandular
What type of epithelia covers the outer and inner surfaces or lines a body cavity?
What type of epithelia secretes substances onto the surface of the epithelia?
Glandular epithelia is _____ with membranous epithelia
Secretions come out of the _____ of the gland
Epithelia having a free apical surface and an attached basal surface displays _____
What two things does the intercellular junction do?
limits transportation between cells, and creates a semi permeable membrane for letting things in and out of the cell
What does avascular mean?
no blood vessels
What must epithelia be supported by connective tissue?
to diffuse nutrients, oxygen, and to rid of waste
The ____ separates the epithelia and the connective tissue
basement membrane
Epithelia has a high rate of cell ____ and _____
cell death, regeneration
Epithelia has an abundance of _____ and limited ______
cells, extracellular matrix
What are the two parts of naming epithelia?
cell layers and cell shape
What are the two levels of epithelial cell layers?
simple and stratified (and pseudostratified)
What cell type is described as one layer of cells where they are all attached to the basement membrane?
What cell type is described as more than one layer of cells where not all of the cells are attached to the basement membrane?
What type of cell appears to be more than one layer, but all cells are attached to the basal surface, though not to apical surface?
What type of cell is flat, plate-line, wider than they are tall, with oval nuclei
What type of cell is as wide as they are tall with a circular nuclei?
What type of cell is taller than it is wide with an oval nuclei?
What type of cell produces mucus that traps foreign cells, lubricates apical surfaces, and serves as protection?
Goblet cells
What device moves mucus across apical surface and is always present with goblet cells?
cilia moves in a ______ pattern
What type of cells is one layer with cells wider than they are tall with an oval nuclei with functions of diffusion and filtration?
simple squamous
What type of cell is one layer with cells as wide as they are tall, round nuclei, and functions for absorption and secretion?
simple cuboidal
What type of cell is one layer with cells that are taller than they are wide, oval nucleus, and functions for absorption and secretion?
simple columnar
What type of cell is multiple layers with cells wider than they are tall, oval nuclei, and function as protection?
stratified squamous
What type of cell has all cells touching the basement membrane but not the apical surface, are taller than they are wide, have cilia and goblet cells, oval nuclei, and function for protection?
pseudostratified columnar
What is another tern for respiratory epithelia?
pseudostratified columnar
What is another term for pseudostratified columnar cells?
respiratory epithelia
What type of cell has the purpose of stretching and changing shape to be cuboidal when relaxed and squamous when streched?
Where is transitional epithelia located?
urinary tract
What type of epithelia is primarily in the urinary tract?
transitional epithelia
The nuclei are always _____ in transitional epithelia
Transitional relaxed cells are ____ shaped
Transitional distended cells are ____ shaped
What is unique to transitional epithelia in the apical layer?
umbrella shape
What type of cell are all gland cells?
simple cuboital
What type of cell are all gland cells?
simple cuboidal
What type of connective tissue surrounds and protects organs, muscles, blood vessels, and nerves?
connective proper
What type of connective tissue carries and stores nutrients?
What type of connective tissue supports?
bone, cartilage, and dense connective tissue
What type of connective tissue supports?
bone, cartilage, and dense connective tissue
What type of connective tissue is for immunity?
blood cells, loose areolar
What type of connective tissue is for insulation?
What is the ECM of connective tissue made of?
fibers and ground substance
What is known as a gel-like material with varying viscosity depending on the function of the tissue?
ground substance
The cells of connective tissue produce the _____
What are the 5 types of cells that may be found in connective tissue?
fibroblasts, adipocytes, blood cells, chondrocytes, and osteocytes
What cell is spindle shape and found in connective tissue proper?
What cells are also known as fat cells that store lipids in cytoplasm, provide cushion, insulate, and thermoregulate?
What type of cells defect against infection via immune response?
blood cells
What type of cells are found in cartilage and reside in lacunae?
What type of cell is found in bone and resides in lacunae?
What are the 3 types of fiber?
collagen, reticular, and elastic
What type of fiber can be split into 1 and 2, and provides tensile (able to pull and not break) strength?
Type 1 collagen is found in ___,____,_____, and ______
bone, skin, tendons, ligaments
Type 2 collagen is found in _____
What type of fiber supports tissue structure like a sticky web, is also known as type 3 collagen, and is silver on a black stain?
What type of fiber allows for stretch and recoil and is found in the arterial supply?
What is known as a complex gel secreted by fibers that is made of huge, water attracting macromolecules that produces a flexible medium that diffusion of nutrients and waste can occur?
ground substance
Ground substance is flexible and can resist _____ so it is found in joints
List the 4 types of connective tissue
Connective tissue proper, cartilage, bone, and blood
What are the 2 types of connective tissue proper?
loose and dense
What are the 3 types of loose connective tissue proper?
loose areolar, adipose, reticular
What are the 2 types of dense connective tissue proper?
regular and irregular
What type of dense connective tissue proper is found in tendons, ligaments, and some fascia?
What type of dense connective tissue proper is found in dermis and some facia?
What are the 3 types of cartilage?
hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage
What type of loose connective tissue is described as being the most abundance, retains bodily fluid, helps cells fight infection, and has a loose, spacey appearence?
Loose areolar
What type of loose connective tissue contains fibroblasts, blood cells, adipocytes, and collagen and elastic fibers?
loose areolar
What type of loose connective tissue proper is a supportive tissue made of reticular fibers that forms a network to support adipose, lymph nodes, bone marrow, kidney, liver, etc.
What type of loose connective tissue contains fibroblasts and reticular fibers?
What type of loose connective tissue is lobulated fat cells arranged in a cluster that maintain shape, cushions, and provides insulation?
What type of loose connective tissue contains adipocytes and sometimes reticular fiber?
What is found in dense connective tissue proper?
fibroblasts and collagen 1
Dense irregular connective tissue has ______ strength
What are the 3 major functions of cartilag?
support/protect soft tissue, cover the ends of bones and joints, and provide initial model for most bones
What is known as a dense, irregular connective tissue that surrounds cartilage for protection?
What do chondrocytes do?
mature cells that maintain cartilage
Blast means what?
Cyte means what?
In cartilage, the ground substance is gel-like and made mostly of _____
Chondroblasts secrete matrix below _____ and become chondrocytes
Why doesn’t cartilage regenerate or heal well?
it is avascular (no blood vessels) and lacks innervation (nerve endings)
What type of cartilage is the most abundance, has few fibers in the ECM, and provides a model for the formation of the fetal skeleton?
What type of cartilage is found as a cushion in joints, in the respiratory tract, nose, and costal cartilage?
What type of cartilage is the least common and is highly flexible?
What type of cartilage is found in the ear and the epiglottis?
What type of cartilage is abundant in cartilage fibers in parallel and resists stretching and compression, serving as a cushion between bones and joints?
What type of cartilage is found in the menisci, intervertebral disks, and pubic symphysis?
What types of cartilage have chondrocytes irregularly spaced?
hyaline and elastic
What type of cartilage has chondrocytes arranged in parallel?
What type of connective tissue is dense and solid, interlaced with minerals, that has osteocytes residing in lacunae that engage in canaliculi communication with other osteocytes?
What type of connective tissue distributes oxygen, nutrients, and protection with a less viscous ground substance in order to flow through vessels of the body?
What type of blood cells function in immunity and have distinctive nuclei and cell size?
leukocytes (WBC)
Leukocytes are also called _____
white blood cells
White blood cells are also called _____
What type of blood cells are concave and function in the gas transportation of O2 and CO2?
Erythrocytes (RBC)
Erythrocytes are also known as ______
red blood cells
Red blood cells are also known as ______
What type of blood cell is cell fragments and functions in blood clotting?
Membranes are made of _____ and ______
epithelium and connective tissue
Cutaneous membrane is the same as what?
What type of cells are found in cutaneous membrane (epidermis portion)
stratified squamous
What type of connective tissue is found in cutaneous membrane (dermis portion)
dense irregular
What type of membrane produce mucus, are true epithelia, have goblet and cilia always present?
mucus membrane
What type of cells are found in the mucus membrane?
simple columnar or pseudostratified columnar
What type of connective tissue is found in the mucus membrane?
loose connective (lamina propria is specific to mucus producing membranes)