Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
Republic Act No 9165 : June 7,2002
repealing Republic Act No 6425, otherwise known as the
Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972
- increasing applicability
Drug Testing
Drug Testing AGENCIES
government agencies
industrial agencies
sports agencies
- the application of drug testing to questions of law
Forensic Drug Testing
Drug Testing Operations
RA 9165:
“Comprehensive Dangerous Drug’s Act of 2002”
Classification of DT Lab
- Ownership
- Institutional Character
- Service Capability
- Ownership
a. Government (BGH)
b. Private (UB-CL)
- Institutional Character
a. Institution-Based (UB-DTC, BGH)
b. Free Standing (Drug Check Internation – Upper Gen Luna)
- Service Capability
a. Screening (UBDTC)
b. Confirmatory (Manila-based)
Confirmatory Laboratory & Screening Laboratory : Screening Test
Immunoassay equipment or BFAD registered drugtesting kit or Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)
Confirmatory Laboratory : Confirmatory Test
Gas ChromatographyMass Spectrometer (GC-MS), High Performance Liquid Chromatography- Mass Spectrometer (HPLC-MS) or some such modern and accepted equipment
Confirmatory Laboratory Basic equipment:
- Laboratory oven
- Analytical balance
- Refrigerator
- Freezer
- Fumehood
- Other necessary equipment based on the procedure used
Screening Laboratory Basic equipment:
- Refrigerator/Freezer
a. Screening Lab: shall have at least [?] in floor area. The work area must be [?] with [?].
twenty (20) square meters
ten (10) square meters
exhaust fan, sink and storage cabinet
b. Confirmatory Lab: shall have at least [?] in floor area. The clinical work area must be [?] with [?].
sixty (60) square meters
thirty (30) square meters
exhaust fan, sink, stock room and instrumentation room
a. Screening lab: licensed physician with certification in [?] from the Philippine Board of Pathology or certification in [?] conducted by the DOH
Clinical Pathology
Clinical Laboratory Management Training
b. Confirmatory Lab: The confirmatory laboratory shall be headed by a licensed physician certified in [?] by the Philippine Board of Pathology with at least [?] of active laboratory experience in [?] or a licensed chemist with at least a [?] or a branch of Chemistry and at least [?] of active laboratory experience in [?].
Clinical Pathology
two (2) years ; analytical toxicology
Master’s Degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry
two (2) years; analytical chemistry
Mandatory DT
1. Applicants for [?]
2. Applicants for [?]
3. Officers and members of the [?]
4. Persons charged before the prosecutor’s office with a criminal offense having an imposable penalty of imprisonment of not less than [?]
5. Candidates for public office whether [?] both in the national or local government
6. Persons [?] for violating the provisions of this Act
Driver’s license
Fire arms license
military, police and law enforcement
six (6) years and one (1) day
appointee or elected
apprehended or arrested
Random DT
1. Students of [?]
2. Officers and employees of [?] whether domestic of overseas
secondary and tertiary school
public and private offices
: gold standard for confirmatory testing
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS)
Drug analysts:
Chemists, Pharmacists, Medical Technologists
Urine Volume for Drug Testing:
60 mL
: operating system used for drug testing; installed in computers (confirmatory/screening labs)
Integrated Drug Test Operations Management Information System (IDTOMIS)
• [?] between drug-protein conjugates and drugs that may be present in the urine sample.
Competition for antibody binding
: drug-protein conjugates
• Band regions
: mouse monoclonal Ab conjugated with gold particles
• Gold Pad
allows for selective ID of THC and MET
• Ab on the test strip
• [?] test kit
Lateral Flow
• Principle: Competition for Ab-binding between [?] in the urine sample
drug protein conjugates and drugs
1. Allow all bit components and specimens to reach a temperature between [?] prior to testing.
2. Remove the test device from the foil pouch and place it on a [?].
3. Holding the urine dropper above the test device, dispense [?] of urine into the sample well (S).
4. As the test begins to work, you will see a purple colored band move across the [?] in the center of the test device.
5. Interpret test results at [?]. Do not interpret test result after [?].
15°C and 30°C
flat, dry surface
3-4 drops
result window
5 minutes
The presence of 3 colored bands (1, 2, C) within the result window, regardless of the order in which the bands appear, indicates a [?].
Negative Result
This indicates that the drug concentrations are below the detectable levels.
Negative Result
The presence of both the THC test band (2) and the control (C) within the result window, regardless of which band appears first, indicates a
Methamphetamine-Positive Result
This result indicates that the concentration of methamphetamine in the sample is at or above the detectable level (1000mg/mL).
Methamphetamine-Positive Result
The presence of both the MET (1) test band and the control (C) within the result window, regardless of which band appears first, indicates a
THC-Positive Result
This result indicates that the concentration of THC metabolites in the sample is at or above the detectable level (50mg/mL).
THC-Positive Result
The presence of only the control (C) within the result window indicates a
Methamphetamine- and THC-Positive Result
This result indicates that the concentration of methamphetamine and THC metabolites are at or above the detectable level (1000mg/mL and 50mg/mL respectively).
Methamphetamine- and THC-Positive Result
If the control band (C) is not visible within the result window after performing the test, the result is considered invalid.
Invalid Result
Instructions may not have been followed correctly or the test may have deteriorated beyond the expiration date.
Invalid Result
It is recommended that the specimen be retested using a new test kit.
Invalid Result
• Last about
2-4 hours
• Half-life:
9-24 hours
• is excreted in urine
• Detected:
3-5 days
• Cut-off Value:
1,000 ng/mL
: Concentration of drugs that can be detected in urine
Cut-off Value
• Peak effect:
20-30 mins
• Duration:
90-120 mins
• Derivatives in urine:
3 to 5 days after smoking
• Derivative in urine:
• Cut-off Value:
50 ng/mL
- the usual sample used to test a number of drugs of abuse
• Urine specimen
• Urine specimen DISADVANTAGES
• Detects only fairly recent drug use
• Will not differentiate casual use from chronic drug abuse
• first stool of the newborn
• begins to form during second trimester and continues to accumulate until birth
• provides evidence of maternal drug use anytime during the last two trimesters
• obtained easily; not easily tampered
• prior drug use may be detected for several months
• hair growth:
0.3 to 0.4 mm/day (90 – 12 strands = 100 mg of hair)
• mechanism of drug deposition in hair
• transfer from blood to growing hair shaft
• transfer from sweat
• environmental contamination
• sweat-patch collection devices, worn for several days to several weeks
• the drug, if present accumulates on the absorbent pad in the patch
• advantage: monitoring of drug use in correctional institutions or in drug rehab programs
• easy to obtain, less invasion of privacy and ease of adulteration
• ultrafiltrate of plasma
• detection of drug level is shorter compared with urine
• recent drug use
sample of choice
represents the net load of the drug over a long period
guard against specimen exchange and/ or adulteration
urine pH, specific gravity and creatinine
represents transient passage of the drug thru the circulation
only a quick picture of the drug level at a specific time
Processing and handling
confidentiality and chain of custody
- good sensitivity with marginal specificity
screening assay
- high sensitivity and specificity
confirmatory assay
qualitative and quantitative info
confirmatory assay
different from screening procedure
confirmatory assay
- rapid, stat, screening methods
- Emergency Room testing
- Emergency Room testing
- Emergency Room testing
- Forensic testing
- confirmatory methods
- Forensic testing
- HPLC and GC-MS
- Forensic testing
0.2 – 5 (mg/dL)
0.025 – 5 (mg/dL)
0.02 – 10 (mg/dL)
- GC
0.01 – 10 (mg/dL)
0.001 – 5 (mg/dL)