Diabetes Type 2 MOA Flashcards
Decrease hepatic glucose
ingrease glucose sensitivity
NO Hypoglycemia
Sulonyreas - 2nd gen
secreatagogues: increase insulin secretion
Yes - Hypo
what are the three meds that cause hypoglycema alone
Glipizide: sulfonylureas
sitiglitatin: DPP4
Nateglinide: Meglitinides
meglitinide: secretagogues, increase insulin secretion
(Potassium channel blocking)
Yes hypo
Glitazones: decrease insulin resistance decrease hepatic glucose production PPAR gene No - Hypo Yes- increase risk CHF
A glucosidease inhibitor: inhibit carb absorb at brush border
No- Hypo
Not for chronic intestinal issues
antidote for Acarbos
Glucose not sucrose
DPP4 inhibitor: supress glucagon, potientiate insulin
Increase risk pancreantitis
Yes- hypoglycemia
Amylin aganoist analogue: slow gastric emptying, supress glucagon
No - Hypoglycemia
first approved in Type 1 since 1920
incretin mimic: only enhance glucose dependent insulin secretion
slow gastric emptying
NO- hypoglycemia
Gila monster saliva
Which osteoporosis drugs Prevent osteoporosis
alandronate: bisphosphonates Raloxifene: SERM Prempro: estrogen Denomaup: human monoclonal antibody ? levostatin: statin Phytoestrogens: diet
Alondronate: inhibit osteoclast activity
Prevention and treatment
SERM: selective estrogen receptor modulators
Ralozifene: bind estrogen receptors in bones, but its ant estrogenic in brest and endometrial tissue
Synthetic calcitonin
Inhibit osteoclast activity
Treatment only
synthetic parathyroid hormone
Teriparatide: activate boen turnover with increase osteoblastic activity
Treatment only
Estrogen or estrogen =+ progestin
premarin, prempro: activate bone turnover
human monoclonal antibody
Denosumab: Targets RANKL to quit bone removal signal, it stops bone degredation
Lovostatin : may lower fracture risk
Isoflavones: Bind estrogenic receptor
does not prevent bone loss
Methimazole and propylthiouracil
Inhibit transformation of inorganic iodine to organic to block thyroxine production,
Thionamide: methimazole
Block thyroxine production , blocks formation of T3 and T4
Little effect on peripheral T4/T3 conversion
Thionamide: prophylthiouracil
Block thyroxine produciton, block formatio nof T3 and T4
Large effect on Periperal T4/T3 conversion
Beta blocker non selective
Propanolol: treats sympathetic symptoms by blocking beta receptors, not specifically
Thyroid Storm
SSKI: Elemental iodine
Stuns thyroid with large doses of iodin that inhibits release of thyroxine
- works for2-3 weeks
Thyroid storm
Radioactive iodine isotope
I 131
Beta particles destroy thyroid tissue over several wekks.
Catagory X