Developmental Psych Flashcards
Longitudinal study
Individuals studied over a length of time
Cross-sectional study
One point in time, studying groups of participants of different ages
Stability v. change
Do early personality traits persist or do we become a different person as we age
Nature v. nurture
How do they work together to shape who we are
Continuity v. stages
Is development a smooth, gradual process, OR do we grow in distinct stages
“Monster maker” - can cause harm or abnormalities during prenatal development
Fine motor coordination
Development of small muscle movements - ex. drawing, buttoning shirt, etc.
Gross Motor Coordination
Development of large muscle movements. Ex. walking, running, etc.
Rooting reflex
When you stroke a baby’s cheek, it turns its head & locates food
Visual cliff for depth perception
When infants saw what looked like a cliff on the floor they wouldn’t walk over it
A type of learning where an animal forms strong attachments during an early-life critical period.
The period from childhood to adulthood. Puberty to independence - growth spurt, sexual maturity, reproductive ability.
Steady decline in physical abilities, diminishing mental strength, stamina, reaction time, & visual sharpness
First person to look at how children think
Generalizations based on experience.
Assimilation v. accommodation
Trying at existing schemas vs. modifying schemas
Sensorimotor stage
0-2 years. Experience world through senses, no object permanence
Preoperational stage
2-7 years old. Object permanence. Pretend play. Egocentric. Does not understand concepts of conservation. Theory of mind & animism
Theory of mind and Animism
Ability to infer others’ thinking and the tendency to believe all things are living
Concepts of conservation
Pouring water into another glass that is wider, causing the child to think there’s less water
Concrete operational
7-11 years. Learn to think logically, understand concept of conservation, basic math
Formal operational stage
12 years to adulthood. Abstract, hypothetical, and higher-level thinking
One’s immediate environment that one interacts with daily. Closest layer of influence.
Connection and interactions between different parts of our microsystem. Ex. relationships b/w teachers and parents.
Broader cultural, societal, economic contexts that influence an individual
External settings that indirectly affect a person’s development. Ex. parent’s company hours
Secure Attachment
Strong healthy emotional bond. Child feels safe and is confidence caregiver will meet needs
Insecure avoidant attachment
Child suppresses emotional needs. Caregiver has historically been emotionally unavailable
Insecure anxious attachment
Heightened need for closure and assurance. Due to caregivers inconsistent responsiveness. Fest of abandonment.