crimean congo hemorragia fever Flashcards
3-7 days(lecture)
new lecture in class and notes say up to 15 days!
tick genus hyalomma tick is the main one but others can such as dermocentor and rhicephalus etc
h. marginatum
due to global warming now being found in places it previously was never found and alsodo due to the trade of animals and flying birds
first time in greece in 2008
how to humans get infected
1) contact with infected animals e.g slaughter houses, farmers and also farmers when they try to remove the ticks from their animals and then they dont wash their hands etc
2) handling dead bodies with secretions,
3) human to human transmission with bodily fluids and (IN THE FIRST 10 DAYS HUMANS ARE VERY INFECTIOUS- pose greatest rsik to healthcare workers
tick bits, 70% people report a history of tick bites(because remember tick bites are not painful) and even touching the tick
PCR, ElISA (IG + IGM) virus isolation
supportive, treatment mainly there’s no specific treatment but ribarvirin can be useful if given early on!!!! (lecture)
the same as the other hemorrgaic viral diseases, red eyes musical bleedings, nose bleeds Gi bleeds, DIC as c implication. FEVER !
BUNYA virus- RNA
type of disease
zoonoses because it spread to human via animals
In our country by 2014 there was hyper immune immunoglobulin to CCHF (therapeutic dose 18 – 36ml) and vaccine as well
vaccine in BG- 2 doses given S.C (under the sacpula) but this is not accepted by western standards because of the ADR - also the fact that it is innoculated in mice
vaccine has booster doses 1 year later and then every 5 years a booster dose
given to people at. high risk like health care workers and then from their plasma we get the immune gloulin as a post exposure prophylaxis
how fatal
very fatal - up to 40, 50% fatallit
whats a key difference between hanta virus and bunya virus
hanta doesnt use ticks but has rats and also hanta the human is not infectious so no need to be in an infectious disease clinic and islated
whats a key difference between hanta virus and bunya virus
hanta doesn’t use ticks but has rats and also hanta the human is not infectious so no need to be in an infectious disease clinic and islated
can CCF be a nonsocomial infection
yes because people hispitlisedc an infect healthcare workers
does ice berg exists
YES peole who have no symptoms and no hemmorhages
88% sublcinical symptoms
whats important about the tick
that its not just a vector but its also a reservir as the femal tick gives birth to ticks who have the virus (trans-ovarian transmission) so increases the risk of humans being caughth
gold standard for diagnosis
isolation of virus