Cranium Flashcards
What bone forms much of the dorsal and lateral walls of the cranium?
What is the bone of the cranium that lies below the parietal bone on the caudolateral surface of the skull?
Temporal bone
What is the name of the rounded prominence at the most ventral part of the temporal bone?
Tympanic bulla
What does the tympanic bulla house?
Structures of the inner ear
What is the name of the opening into the tympanic bulla?
External acoustic meatus
What bone forms the front aspect of the cranium or ‘forehead’
What is the name of the air filled chamber on the frontal bone?
Frontal sinus
What is the name of the bone that lies at the base of the skull on the caudal aspect?
What is the name of the hole that the spinal chord passes through into the skull?
Foramen magnum
What is the name of the bony prominences on either side of the foramen magnum?
Occipital Condyles
What lie next to the occipital condyles?
Jugular processes
What bones lies on the ventral aspect of the skull and forms the floor of the cranial cavity?
What is the name of the ridge of bone on the coral midline surface of the skull?
Sagittal crest
What is the name of the arch of bone that projects laterally from the skull, forming the ‘cheekbone’
Zygomatic arch
What is the bone that lies at the bad of the orbit, and the region through which the tears drain from the eye into the nose
What forms the sides of the nasal chambers?
The maxilla
What forms the roof of the nasal chambers?
The nasal bone
What divides the nasal chamber in two?
Nasal septum
What are the scrolls of bone inside the nasal chambers called?
Nasal turbinates or conchae
What forms the boundary between the nasal and cranial cavities?
Ethmoid bone
What is the name of the sieve like area through which the olfactory nerves pass from the nasal mucosa to the olfactory bulbs of the brain?
Cribriform plate
What is the roof of the mouth called?
Hard pallet
What bones form the hard palette?
The incisive bone, part of the maxilla and the palatine
What is the name of the most rostral bone of the skull?
The incisive
What is the name of the joint that connects the 2 halves of the mandible?
Mandibular symphysis
What is the name of the horizontal part of the mandible?
The body
What is the name of the vertical part of the mandible?
The Ramus
Where does the Ramus articulate with the rest of the skull?
At the temporomandibular joint via the condylar process
At what point does the temporalis muscle attach to the mandibular Ramus?
Coronoid process
At what point does the masseter muscle lie?
The masseteric fossa on the lateral surface of the Ramus
The part of the skull that encloses the brain
A long and narrow nose such as the greyhound
the normal shape of the dogs skull such as beagle
More rounded skull shape and short nose head shape causing shortening of the nasal chambers, hard palate and mandible seen in breeds such as the pug