Chapter 8 (BAL) Flashcards
Two or more people who interact and who influence one another; exists when two or more people interact for more than a few moments, affect one another in some way, and think of themselves as “us.”
Co-participants working individually on a noncompetitive activity
Tendency of people to perform simple or well-learned tasks
better when others are present; strengthening of dominant (prevalent, likely) responses in the presence of others.
Social facilitation
The effect of others’ presence increases with their numbers; sometimes the arousal and self-conscious attention created by a large audience
interferes even with well-learned, automatic behaviors, such as speaking.
Enhancement of dominant responses is strongest when people think they are being evaluated.
Conflict between paying attention to others and paying
attention to the task overloads our cognitive system, causing arousal.
Mere presence of others produces some arousal even without evaluation apprehension or arousing distraction.
Mere presence
Tendency for people to exert less effort when they pool their efforts
toward a common goal than when they are individually accountable.
Social loafing
People who benefit from the group but give little in return
free riders
Loss of self-awareness and evaluation apprehension; occurs in group
situations that foster responsiveness to group norms, good or bad.
A group has the power not only to arouse its members but also to render them
unidentifiable; People’s attention is focused on the situation, not on themselves; because “everyone is doing it,” all can attribute their behavior to the situation rather
than to their own choices.
Group size
Aggressive outbursts by large groups are often preceded by minor actions that
arouse and divert people’s attention; there is a self-reinforcing pleasure in acting impulsively while seeing others do likewise; when we see others act as we are
acting, we think they feel as we do, which reinforces our own feelings
Arousing and Distracting Activities
A self-conscious state in which attention focuses on oneself. It makes
people more sensitive to their own attitudes and dispositions.
Phenomenon where individuals become more extreme in their attitudes and
beliefs after discussing them with a group of like-minded individuals.
Deals with the arguments presented during a
Informational Influence