Chapter 8 Flashcards
Primary function of appendicular skeleton?
Parts of the pectoral girdle?
Clavicle and scapula
Another word for clavicle?
another name for scapula?
Shoulder blade
A large triangular, flat, bone situated in the superior part of the posterior thorax between the 2nd and 7th ribs
Flattened, expanded process on the lateral end of the spine of the scapula
What are the three upper limb locations?
Humerus in the arm, ulna and radius in the forearm, and eight carpals in the carpus, the five metacarpals in the metacarpus, and the 14 phalanges in the hand
Arm bone is the longest and largest bone of the upper limb articulate proximally with the scapula and distally with the two bones the ulna and radius to form the elbow joint
Where is the palpable boney landmark of the shoulder located?
Greater tubercle
Deltoid tuberosity
Point of attachment for the tendons of the deltoid muscle
Spiral shaped surface that articulates with the trochlear notch of the ulna
Coronoid fossa
An anterior depression that receives to coronoid process of the ulna bone in the forearm is flexed
Olecranon fossa
Large posterior depression that receives the olecranon of the olecranon when the forearm is extended
Medial and lateral epicondyle
Rough projections on either side of the distal end of the humerus to which the tendons of most muscles of the forearm are attached
Medial aspect of the forearm aka the little finger side and is longer than the radius
Prominence of the elbow
Smaller of the forearm bones located on the lateral aspect a.k.a. the thumb side
The proximal region of the hand and consists of eight small bones the carpals joined to one another by ligaments
What are the carpals in the proximal row from lateral to medial?
The carpals in the distal row from lateral to medial are?
Palm is the intermediate region of the hand consisting of bones called metacarpals
What do metacarpals consist of?
Proximal base, intermediate shaft, and distal head
How many phalanges are there in the five digit of each hand?
How many phalanges does the thumb have and what are they called?
Two, Proximal and distal phalanges
Bony pelvis
Complete ring composed of the hip bones, pubic symphysis, sacrum, and coccyx. forms a deep basin like structure
Largest of the three components of the hip bone composed of superior and inferior body
What are the three parts of the hip bone?
Hip pointer
Bruising of the anterior superior iliac spine and associated soft tissue such as occurs in body contact sports
Inferior, posterior portion of the hip bone. comprises of a superior body and an inferior ramus. Ramen fuses with the pubis
Anterior and inferior part of the hip bone. consists of superior ramus, inferior ramus, body between the Remi make up the pubis
Pectineal line
important landmarks for distinguishing the superior and inferior portions of the boney pelvis
Pubic symphysis
Joint between the two pubes of the hip bone. consists of a disc fibrocartilage. Relaxin increases the flexibility of the pubic symphysis to ease delivery
Deep fossa formed by the ileum, ischium, and pubis it functions as the socket that accepts the rounded head of the femur. together forming the hip joint
Pelvic brim
 The boundary dividing the superior and inferior portions of the boney pelvis. That forms the inlet into the pelvic cavity from the abdomen
False (greater) pelvis
Bordered by the lumbar vertebrae posteriorly, the upper portion of the hipbones laterally, and abdominal wall interiorly, including lower abdomen, which contains the superior portion of the urinary bladder (when it is full) the lower intestines in both genders the uterus, ovaries, and uterine tubes of the female
True (lesser) pelvis
Has an inlet, an outlet, and a cavity. it is bounded by the sacrum and coccyx posteriorly. inferior portions of the ilium and ischium laterally, and the pubic bones anteriorly. the true pelvis surrounds the pelvic cavity which Includes rectum, urinary bladder, vagina, cervix of the uterus in females and prostate in males
Pelvic inlet
The superior opening of the true pelvis bordered by the pelvic brim
Pelvic outlet
Inferior opening of the true pelvis which is covered by the muscle at the floor of the pelvis
Pelvic axis
An imaginary line that curves through the pelvis from the central point of the plane of the pelvic inlet to the central point of the plane of the pelvic outlet this is the key route taken by baby as it descends through the pelvis
How many bones are in the lower limb?
What are the four locations of bones in the lower limb?
- Femur in the thigh
- patella
- tibia and fibula in the leg
- seven tarsals in the tarsus, five metatarsal in the metatarsus, and 14 phalanges in the foot
Thighbone is the longest heaviest and strongest bone in the body
Greater and lesser trochanter
Projections from the junction of the neck and shaft that serve as points of attachment for the tendons of some of the thigh and buttock muscles
Lines aspera
This ridge serves as an attachment point for the tendons of several thigh muscles
Medial and lateral condyle
These are included in the expanded distal end of the femur and articulate with the medial and lateral condiles of the tibia
Intercondylar fossa
Depressed area between the condiles on the posterior surface
The kneecap is a small triangular bone located anterior to the knee joint. It is a sesamoid bone which develops in the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle which is called the base, the pointed distal end is referred to as the Apex, the posterior surface contains two articular facet one for the medial condyle of the femur and the other for the lateral condyle of the femur
Shinbone the larger, medial, weight bearing bone of the leg
Parallel and lateral to the tibia but is considerably smaller does not articulate with the femur but helps stabilize the ankle joint
Lateral malleolus
Distal end of fibula shaped as an arrowhead formed the prominence on the lateral surface of the ankle
Proximal region of the foot in consists of seven tarsal bones
What are the seven tarsal bones?
- Talus
- Calcaneus
- Navicular
- Third cuneiform
- Second cuneiform
- First cuneiform
- Cuboid
Intermediate region of the foot consisting of five metatarsal bones numbered 1 to 5 from the medial to the lateral position
Arches of the foot
Bones of the foot are arranged in to Arches that are held in position by ligaments and tendons the arches enable to say to support the weight of the body provide an ideal distribution of body weight of the soft and hard tissues of the foot and provide leverage were walking
Longitudinal arch
Two parts both of which consist of tarsal and metatarsal bones arranged to form an arch from the anterior to posterior part of the foot and I
Transverse arch
Found between the medial and lateral aspects of the foot ends formed by the novacular three uniforms in the bases of the five metatarrsoles distribute bodyweight over the soft and hard tissues of the body