Chapter 76 Flashcards
неполноценная пища (в закусочных, автоматах и т. п.); готовая кулинарная продукция (часто из пищевых суррогатов) не здоровая пища food that is unhealthy, but it’s squeak and easy to eat ; food, which is not good for you (crisps)
Junk good
A reason excuse or explanations that you give for your behavior or actions 
self justification
I feel that what I’ve written sounds like self justification
as much of something as you need
plenty of something
don’t bring any food we’ve got plenty
become heavier and fatter
put on weight 
become heavier and fatter
put on weight 
to leave a place
Go away
he went away with my book ― он ушел, прихватив мою книгу
to leave a place
Go away
he went away with my book ― он ушел, прихватив мою книгу
In the UK school for children under five
Детский сад Великобритании 
even kindergarten kids know to walk on the right side
In the UK school for children under five
Детский сад Великобритании 
even kindergarten kids know to walk on the right side
to hit someone with the flat inside, part of your hand, давать пощечину, шлёпать, хлопать 
a slap on the shoulder ― похлопывание по плечу
a slap in the face ― пощечина
to hit someone with the flat inside, part of your hand, давать пощечину, шлёпать, хлопать 
a slap on the shoulder ― похлопывание по плечу
a slap in the face ― пощечина
just stop talking or making a noise or to make someone do this заткнуться, заткнуть кому-либо рот
Shut up
shut up! ― заткнись!, замолчи!
it’s a bravery and determination that is needed to do something difficult or unpleasant мужество, выдержка; внутренности the organs inside a person or animal’s body
it took guts to stand up and tell the boss how she felt
it’s a bravery and determination that is needed to do something difficult or unpleasant мужество, выдержка; внутренности the organs inside a person or animal’s body
it took guts to stand up and tell the boss how she felt
and agreement to accept something which is not exactly what you want компромисс
with much difficulty the dispute was compromised ― с большими трудностями спор был урегулирован путем компромисса
to agree to a compromise ― согласиться на компромисс
and agreement to accept something which is not exactly what you want компромисс
with much difficulty the dispute was compromised ― с большими трудностями спор был урегулирован путем компромисса
to agree to a compromise ― согласиться на компромисс
Hit the brake with your left foot
Hit the brake with your left foot
(Педаль) газа
(Педаль) газа
Start the engine
Start the engine
If you’re -, you do not do something immediately or quickly because you are nervous or not certain  нерешительный, сомневающийся
she was hesitant about returning to her hometown
A change or development is the way people think or be движение, развитие; 
A group of people with the same beliefs who work together to achieve something движение, общественное деятельность
to lie without movement ― лежать без движения (неподвижно)
to study smb.’s movements ― изучать чьи-л. жесты (движения, чью-л. походку)
popular movement ― народное движение
youth movement ― молодежное движение
release the hand brake
to change something
перемена; смена
shift of wind ― перемена ветра
shift of clothes ― переодевание, смена одежды
shift of scenes ― перемена мест
застревать; увязать
to become fixed in one position and not be able to move 
the car stuck in the mood ― автомобиль завяз в грязи
the key stuck in the lock ― ключ не поворачивался в замке
the ball got stuck on the roof ― мяч застрял на крыше
A bar fixed along the front or back of a vehicle to protect it in an accident бампер
The whole bumper is ruined
A bar fixed along the front or back of a vehicle to protect it in an accident бампер
The whole bumper is ruined