Chapter 38 Flashcards
all of the quality or emotion that is available в полном объеме 
every ounce of something
He deserves every ounce of support that we can give him
I will use every ounce of my strength to make sure that I’m not 
Возмутительный, скандальный
 shocking or extreme 
 you’ve met me before
We even had a drink together
what is this outrageous story ?
To obey a rule
Следовать чему-либо, действовать в соответствии с чем-либо
abide by something
if you ended up leaving here, you should abide by the norms here 
Rules about what is polite and correct behavior
Stupid person or someone who is behaving in a stupid way
like an idiot, I believed him 
The feeling of something touching you lightly лёгкое прикосновение 
The brush of something 
she felt the brush of his lips against her cheek
if your hands happened to brush 
To show or be a sign of something
The statistics reflect a change in peoples spending habits 
To give someone or something too much attention because you wanted to show that you liked them носиться с кем-либо чем-либо 
Fuss over somebody something
I hate the way my grandparents fuss over me 
Чья либо вина (серьезная и непростительная оплошность )
 if something bad that has happened is someone’s - they are responsible for it 
Somebody’s fault
she believes it was the doctors fault that Peter died
В чем разница между blame, fault
Blame Подразумевает упрёк да, это именно твоя вина. Винить в чем-то.
Fault- серьезное непростительная сложность. Вот это дел я натворил, и это всё моя вина 
to love someone or something very much and take care of them
Нежно любить 
i’m waiting for a man who will cherish me
A very valuable object
Сокровище, хранить дорожить 
someone who will treasure me 
To try to make people admire your abilities or achievements in the way, which other people find annoying похваляться, рисоваться 
show off
he was the kind of kid who was always showing off to his classmates 
Стараться изо всех сил
 to try very hard to do something
he struggling to pay off his debts 
 someone who is controlled by someone else марионетка
A political puppet 
Великий, могущественный
very powerful or successful 
there is the mighty king so how could that be me? 
Very great large or special and making you feel respect and sometimes fear подвергающий трепет 
and awesome challenge 
Формальность, процедура
formal and polite behavior 
 the action of putting your arms around
to make a short high sound 
His shoes squeaked lovely as he walked
To put your food down on the ground hard and quickly or to walk with heavy steps usually because you’re angry топать 
he stomped off to his room 
Место, пространство
An empty area that is available to be used 
A parking space 
to be good and for the future
Предвещать счастливый исход 
this religious differences do not bode well for their marriage