Chapter 16 Flashcards
search the coast 
someone who has suffered the effects of violence, illness, or bad luck 
something that tells you what someone or something is like 
I gave the police a description of the stolen jewelry 
Is the way a person or a thing looks Внешность 
could we get a description of her clothes or appearance? 
she was very concerned with her appearance 
to finally be in a particular place or situation кончать, заканчивать 
End up
he always ends up doing what Alan wants to do
she’ll end up unemployed 
if you - - do something, you - prefer to do that thing  предпочитать 
Would rather
I’d much rather go out for a meal then stay in and watch TV
A lot of something  куча, масса 
pile of something
That jerk who left me with a pile of debt
it’s all right for him. He’s got piles of money. 
Young woman
The twins who fooled me and run off with him 
To go to an event - присутствовать 
to attend a concert
to attend a meeting 
activity of -ising an evil spirit 
Изгнание нечистой силы
you should come bath if he is to attend the exorcism rite
A traditional ceremony in particular religion or culture - обряд 
funeral rights,
exorcism rights 
an activity or a set of actions that are always done in the same way or at the same time sometimes as part over a religion - Ритуал 
Coffee and the paper are part of my morning ritual 
used when you’re speaking to or about a king or queen 
his majesty,
Her majesty,
your majesty 
Use it to refer to particular thing and not something general определённый, особый 
I wonder if his Majesty has a specific reason for telling him to come
could we arrange a specific time to meet?
to cook something using -
Готовить на пару
steamed rice 
use steam and make sure to get all the wrinkles out 
The killing of a lot of people 
Резня, бойня
Устраивать резню 
did you hear that our fourth brother massacred his family out in Schinju?
very violent or cruel 
they say it was very brutal like a wolf killing people 
A brutal murder 
to stay in the air or move gently through the air - нестись по воздуху 
you cannot believe all the rumors floating around 
Used to emphasize the sounds is not large important or effective when it compares to something else - всего лишь
it is merely a rumor 
The medicine doesn’t make you better. It merely stops the pain. 
The feeling of not liking a group of people or unfair treatment of them because there are a different race, sex, religion, etc. 
 prejudice against women
racial prejudice 
to defeat or kill someone or to stop someone from causing harm
Как он мог победить местное правительство самостоятельно? 
take someone down 
how can he take down a local government on his own? 
to be enough 
Быть достаточным 
even good martial arts skills would not suffice