Chapter 35 Flashcards
A building where people in some religions go to pray 
buddhist Temple 
Someone who gives money to help an organization or person благотворитель 
someone who gives money to help an organization or person 
I was a benefactor of the temple 
To copy the way someone looks and behaves in order to pretend to be them or to make people laugh изображать, выдавать себя за кого-либо 
Impersonating a police officer is a serious offense
They impersonated princes and killed the assassins that night 
Прием, способ
An effective way of doing sth
this is the most definitely a trick to get their family to turn on each other 
to intentionally make it seem as if someone is guilty of a crime подтасовывать факты, фабриковать обвинение
I was afraid that mother would be framed
he claimed he had been framed by the police
Шум, суматоха
A certain period of noise and confused or excited movement 
yesterday he made such a commotion 
In the end, especially after a long time
 в конце концов 
That will eventually be your home
Пристально смотреть
to look at someone or something for a long time and not move your eyes 
why must you stare at it while eating? 
to be discussed or suggested
come up
the issue of security came up at the meeting yesterday? 
Раздражать, расстраивать
to make someone feel annoyed because things are not happening is the way that they want or in the way that they should 
it’s really frustrates me when she arrives late for meetings 
A - substance is not mixed with anything else  чистый, не разбавленный 
pure gold
pure wool
Взбивать (крем и так далее)
to make a food such as cream, more solid by mixing it hard with the kitchen tool 
A small sick substance that is used on painful or damaged skin мазь
Неосторожный, невнимательный
Not given enough attention to what you’re doing
it was very careless of you to forget your passport
to fasten something together using string rope with, etc.
Завязывать что-либо 
Tie sth up