Chapter 29 Flashcards
if you do something —-, you do it for them or instead of them  от чего либо имени 
on somebody’s behalf
Will you accept the prize on my behalf? 
Составлять, набрасывать план и так далее 
to prepare something usually a plan list or an official agreement by writing it 
draw something up 
A dog on your skin where you have been hurt
You will get a bruise, a very blue one
Dictionary says that foe = enemy. But then if I recall all the instances, ‘foe’ is the word used in journalism, news or more politically where ‘enemy’ would be considered rude or offensive. So, ‘foe’ is a polite way to say ‘enemy’!Note that the dictionary mentions ‘foe’ as an old-fashioned or formal term.The word ‘adversary’ does mean ‘enemy’ but it also means an opponent that does not necessarily be your enemy; so is with rival which also means someone who competes.To conclude, use these words carefully. They are not always interchangeable
related, especially as parents of someone through adoption 
her adoptive parents were farmers
to do or say something that encourages people to behave violently or illegally  побуждать, подстрекать
insite the long-standing grudge between the two households 
Обида, злоба
A feeling of dislike or anger towards someone because of something they have done in the past 
he’s not the type of person to bear a grudge against anyone 
Having existed for a long time
Долголетний, давнишний 
A long-standing relationship 
To annoy someone by trying to get their attention when they do not want to see you or talk to you
Don’t bother your sister when she’s working 
relating to deep feelings and beliefs, especially religious believes 
a spiritual leader 
Скромный, не притязательный
not important or respected 
He took a lonely job in an insurance firm
how can a prince look so lowly?
Without any doubt
Несомненно, конечно 
Do you want to come yes definitely
this book is definitely worth reading 
Стирать, уничтожать
 to completely remove words, music pictures, etc., that are written or stored on a computer or other piece of equipment
how do I erase the disk? 
The competition in which people run right drive etc. against each other in order to see who is the fastest
Состязание, гонка 
My heart is racing
Нарушитель порядка
Someone who intentionally causes problems 
A - person is able to control and influence people and events
A powerful woman
having a lot of money 
 well off

A very impolite word for describing things that are very bad in quality дрянной, дерьмовый
A crap car
A crab job 
to make someone do something more quickly than they want to do it 
I refuse to be rushed into making a decision
to run after a person or animal to make them leave a place
Отгонять, прогонять 
Chase away
I chased the cat away 
Предотвращать, предупреждать
To prevent something unpleasant happening, 
Ward something off

To be better than other similar things or people выгодно отличаться
stand out
his application stood out from all the rest
to be ready to do something or to help
 стоять наготове 
stand by
Doctors were standing by to treat the injured passengers 
 physical power or strength 
The force of the explosion shattered every window in the street 
Loud or violent behavior
Беспорядки, волнения 
A man was shot during a disturbance in King Street 
Подходить, соответствовать
if two things -, there is the same color or type 
I can’t find anything too match my green shirt 
all the actors in the film or play
Актёрский состав 
To accept someone or something unpleasant 
she couldn’t bear the thought of him suffering
I like her, but I can’t bear her friends
The pain was too much to bear 
to surround or cover someone or something completely
Поглащать (огнём), затапливать (водой)
The house was quickly iigulfed in flames