Chapter 50 Flashcards
to put your foot on or in something
Наступать на что-либо 
step on something
I accidentally stepped on her foot
Забивать (скот)
to kill an animal for meat 
I don’t slaughter animals for fun 
Since you see that are not really there because you’re sick or have taken an illegal drug галлюцинация 
A high temperature can cause hallucinations
relaxed and not easily upset or worried с лёгким характером 
Объяснение, разъяснение
The details or reasons that someone gifts to make something clear or easy to understand 
What’s your explanation for the teams poor performance?
could you give me a quick explanation of how it works?
to say that someone doesn’t have to do something that they usually have to do освобождать (от работы и так далее)
could I be excused from football training today? 
someone or something that is likely to cause harm or damage 
A threat to the environment 
used at the beginning of a sentence to show that you are pleased or grateful about something  к счастью
thankfully, nobody was hurt
something that it is your job or duty to deal with 
it is your responsibility to make sure that your homework is done on time 
to become joined to something or to make something become joined to something else, usually with the substance like glue приклеиваться 
anna stuck a picture of her boyfriend on the wall 
Гарантировать, ручаться
to promise that something is true or will happen 
every child is guaranteed the police it’s a local school
we can guarantee that it will arrive in time
to make something continue for more time, then is necessary затягивать, тянуть время 
Drag something out
I dragged her out unexpectedly 
Despite that
Тем не менее 
and knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was interesting nevertheless
Вызывающе поведение, неповиновение refusing to be someone or something 
to reach a place position or state достигать 
our profits have already hit 1 million 
Стрельба из лука
New discoveries and inventions
Scientific advances
technological advances 
Оказывать влияние, склонять;
I think I was sweet by what james said 
to move slowly from one side to the other
The trees, sweet gently in the wind
I think I was sweet by what James said
happening existing or true in the past, but not now бывший
to write something on a piece of paper so that you do not forget it 
write something down
did you write Joe’s phone number down? 
used when you’re talking about something that must happen before something else can happen при условии что 
as long as
as long as he has no greed for the throne
Ни… ни
Neither… nor
I am neither afraid of you nor do I hate you
used to address someone in a friendly way, especially a child or someone you love
Дорогой, милый (при обращении)
Don’t cry, my dear
yes, dear 
Или, ли
used to talk about a choice between two or more possibilities 
someone’s good to tell her, whether it’s you or me
I don’t know whether or not to go