Chapter 20 Flashcards
always liking and supporting someone or something sometimes when other people do not - верный, преданный 
she’s very loyal to her friends 
what someone is writing or talking about? Тема, предмет 
A series of programs on the subject of homelessness 
to send a message from one person to another передавать сообщение и так далее 
Corey had an idea which he relayed to his friend immediately
relay the will of the heavens 
A member of a - family - член королевской семьи
A book about the Royals
to support an idea or to agree with someone’s opinions - соглашаться с кем-либо, чем-либо
go along with something / somebody 
she’ll never go along with this idea 
Сиять, светиться
if your eyes or face -, you look happy, healthy or excited
his eyes were shining with excitement 
Not having something or not having enough of something
 недостаток чего-либо 
Lack of sth
A lack of food
lack of money 
Вместе с, наряду с  in addition to someone or something else 
along with somebody/something 
California along with Florida is probably the most popular American holiday destination 
Someone who speaks or does something official for another person представитель
Wang Moo Will act as representative to chase away the evil spirits 
watching carefully and always ready to notice anything dangerous or illegal 
police have asked people to be vigilant after yesterday‘s bomb attack
we have only made him more aware and vigilant now 
To interrupt what someone is doing by making noise or annoying them мешать, беспокоить 
don’t disturb him he needs to sleep 
Способный сообразительный 
 he’s a bright boy 
How to manage to talk to someone on the telephone 
Get through
I called you earlier, but i couldn’t get through 
To do something or deal with something successfully справляться, ухитряться
Will you be able to manage on your own?
anyway, we managed to get there on tim
if you harbor, doubts, hopes thoughts, etc., you feel or think about them for a long time таить, вынашивать 
he harbor dreams of one day becoming a professional footballer 
I am worried that she may harbor dangerous thoughts 
how often something happens or how many people something happens to  показатель, размер, уровень 
The birth rate,
the rate of unemployment
she’s afraid of water 
in this way
Таким образом 
they leave it is a number of people allowed into the forest that preventing damage to the trails 
A path through the countryside often where people walk  тропа
natural Trail 
A path through the countryside often where people walk  тропа
natural Trail 
to intentionally not do something 
avoid doing something
she managed to avoid answering my question