chapter 44 Flashcards
Высмеивать кого-либо что-либо, насмехаться над кем-либо чем-либо
to make a joke about someone or something in an unkind way 
make fun of somebody something
The other children at school used to make fun of his hair 
are you making fun of me right now? 
is the word or group of worse that is used to refer to a person, thing, or place имя, название 
Can’t remember the name of the street he lives on
He didn’t mention her by name
Сдвигаться, поддаваться
if something will not -, or you cannot - it, it will not move 
i’ve tried to open the window, but it won’t budge 
if a part of your body -, the skin feels slightly uncomfortable  покалывать, онеметь
my hands are starting to tingle with the cold
The quality of been able to stay calm and not get angry, especially when something takes a long time 
Finally, I lost my patience and shouted at her

if something long and seen snaps, it breaks making a short loud sound and if you snap it, you break it making a short loud sound ломаться, отламываться с треском
she snapped the carrots in half (=into two pieces )
Well, plant that you do not want to grow in your garden сорняк
dandelions are common weeds 
высшая точка, вершина
The highest level or value of something 
Here we see an athlete at the peak of fitness
The price of gold reached its peak during the last recession 
to develop and become successful, happy or healthy расцветать
Their romance bloomed while they were in Paris
it means that flowers have bloomed on a warm spring day 
A substance that can make you sick or kill if you eat or drink it 
Someone had put poison in her drink
A solid liquid or gas
a dangerous substance
illegal substance (=illegal drugs )
A liquid or an amount of liquid that you drink
A hot cold drink
can I have a drink of water, please? 
A feeling of being embarrassed and guilty about something bad that you have done стыд 
to be filled with shame, 
someone who is not brave and tries to avoid dangerous or difficult situations трус
to interrupt or or join in the conversation or activity when the other people don’t want you to 
Butt in
The interviewer kept button in and wouldn’t let me answer the question