chapter 14 Flashcards
A difference between two similar things  - различие
The distinction between spoken and written language 
period of time when a king or queen rules, country 
Control of the country by a particular person or country - правление, власть 
Military rule
if they can’t reign or rule, they want to be treated differently 
The use of reason or the signs of using reason
 it was difficult to understand the logic behind his argument 
to show something very lovely - кричать, вопить
The policeman yelled at them to stop 
to decide it sounds is certainly not true or possible
we can’t exclude the possibility that he is dead 
you can yell at me if you want or exclude me from the shoot
to watch someone or something carefully - наблюдать
Children learn by observing adults
I only want to observe the stand
someone who helps another person to do something -Помощник 
if something is тайный other people are not allowed to know about it 
Secret affair  
not far away
I found a 24 hour spa nearby
an old friend of mine has just moved to nearby 
doing something dangerous and not caring about what might happen 
reckless driving
were you always so reckless ?
refusing to obey someone or something 
 a defiant child 
are you just being  defiant?
to see or do something as an answer or reaction to something that has been said or done - Отвечать, реагировать 
is the government government has responded by sending food and medical supplies to the region
How quickly did the police respond to the call
as we have a reported, the foreign guests have responded positively 
happening or existing now - текущий, нынешний
Какой у тебя сейчас адрес?
what is your current address? 
- Свободный номер в гостинице
У вас есть свободные номера, комнаты ? - Вакансия в плане работы работы 
Скажи мне если услышишь о любых вакансиях секретарей 
A room that is not being used in a hotel
A job that is available for someone to do 
2. tell me if you hear of any vacancies for secretaries
1. do you have any vacancies ?