Chapter 19 Flashcards
 someone who has done something wrong
what would change just because we catch the culprit? 
to behave in a particular way  вести себя 
to act responsibly
stop acting like a child 
Собрание, ассамблея 
 a group of people such as a government who meet to make decisions, laws, etc. 
The national assembly
someone who is sent to represent their government in another country посланник 
he only received greetings from the foreign envoys and the left 
A place where a battle is been fought or has been fought in the
Поле сражения, поле боя
they carried the wounded from the battlefield 
To go to a place and spend a short amount of time there  посещать, бывать где-либо 
did you visit Saint Petersburg while you were in Russia? 
A place where water comes out of the ground родник, источник 
Hot spring 
1. to know about something 
2. interested in and knowing a lot about a particular subject 
be aware of
2. Were you aware of the rumor?
1. Are you aware of the risks involved?
she was well aware that he was married 
Impossible to cure  неизлечимый
Crown prince has an incurable illness 
for that reason 
поэтому, следователь
The radio has suffered severe flu, and tourists are therefore advised not to travel there 
for that reason 
поэтому, следователь
The radio has suffered severe flu, and tourists are therefore advised not to travel there 
for that reason 
поэтому, следователь
The radio has suffered severe flu, and tourists are therefore advised not to travel there 
Свергать to remove a ruler or a leader from their position of power 
Please depose the first prince as crown prince
 the deposed president 
to try very hard to persuade someone to do something умолять 
I entreat you to name a new crown prince
Договориться to decide something with someone 
we couldn’t agree on what to buy
they agreed to meet on Sunday
we agreed that they would deliver the sofa in the morning 
- to say something in a louder voice so that people can hear you.
- to give your opinion about something, especially about a problem or to support someone else. 
 speak up
1. could you pick up a bit? I can hear you.
2. it’s getting bad it’s time someone spoke up about it 
In a particular group среди, между собой
Who among you do you think will suit the position?
The decision will not be popular among students 
to say that you want people to ignore something you said before, because it was not true  отказываться, брать назад
he admitted taking, money but later withdrew he’s confession 
Хотеть сделать что-либо - to want to do something
wish to do something
there is no one among us who wishes to become crown prince
I wish to speak to the manager 
around object made of gold and jewels that a king or queen wears on their head  корона
The scientific study of stars and planets