Chapter 45 Flashcards
To officially tell someone to do something давать инструкции 
stuff are instructed not to use the cell phones for personal calls 
unpleasant to look at
an ugly city .
you are so ugly . why were you born ?
Срывать (урок и так далее)
to interrupt something and stop it continuing as it should 
Why are you all disrupted in my gift?
in the middle of something usually an event or activity в разгар чего-либо 
in the midst of something 
we are currently in the midst of an economic recession 
Наблюдать, руководить
To watch a person or activity and make certain that everything is done correctly safely, etc. 
students must be supervised by a teacher at all times 
Something that you have to think about when you make decisions or plans соображения, забота
safety is our main consideration 
Анекдот, шутка
something that someone says to make people laugh usually a short story with a funny ending 
A small round mark as it is different color to the surface, it is on пятно, крапинка 
A blue shirt with white spots
Обижать, оскорблять
to make someone upset or angry 
I was deeply offended by her comments 
Correct or suitable правильный, надлежащий 
Is a proper way to do something
please put those books back in the proper place 
Feeling or showing thanks
i’m really grateful to you for all your help 
Money food or other help that is given to people благотворительность, подаяние
I won’t accept charity 
Сожалеть, раскаиваться
to feel sorry about a situation, especially something that you wish you had not done
if you don’t tell her the truth, you’ll regret it later
I really regret leaving school so young 
to make something more difficult to deal with or understand осложнять
it’s really is true that a person‘s feelings are the most complicated 
to finally understand something or someone after a lot of thought
figure something somebody out
I never could figure out what she saw in him