Chapter 7 PPT Flashcards
Bones are composed of what tissues?
Bone Tissue
Dense Connective Tissue
Blood and Nervous Tissue
Bones of the skeletal system vary greatly in these ways
Size and Shape
Bones are similar in what functions?
How are long bones classified?
Long and Narrow
Have Expanded Ends
How are short bones classified?
Cube-Like, Length=Width Includes Sesamoid (Round) Bones Embedded in Tendons
How are flat bones classified?
Plate-like, with broad surfaces
How are irregular bones classified?
Variety of Shapes
Most are connected to several other bones
What is a epiphysis?
Expanded Shaft
What is a Diaphysis?
Bone Shaft
Where is a Metaphysis?
Between diaphysis and epiphysis, widening part
What is articular cartilage?
Covers epiphysis
What is the Periosteum?
Encloses bone, made of dense connective tissue
What is a compact (cortical) bone
Wall of diaphysis
What is a spongy (cancellous) bone
Makes up epiphyses
What is a trabeculae
branching bony parts, make up psongy bone
what is the medullary cavity?
Hollow chamber in diaphysis; contains marrow
what is the endosteum?
lines spaces, cavity
what is bone marrow?
red or yellow marrow, lines medullary cavity, spongy bone spaces
Mature bone cells are called
Osteocytes occupy chambers called
What are canaliculi?
Osteocytes exchange nutrients and wastes via cell processes within tiny passageways
The ECM of bone is largely
collagen fibers and irganic salts
Bones - collagen gives bone
Bones - inorganic salts make bone
Compact bone consists of cylindrical units called
compact bone characteristics
strong and solid
resists compression
spongy bone consists of branching plates called
spongy bone characteristics
somewhat flexible
has spaces between trabeculae that reduce that bone weight
compact bone consists of
compact bone have osteocytes in
compact bone has lamellae, that are
layers of matrix around central canal
compact bone has osteons that are
cemented together by bone matrix
compact bone has what type of canals?
perforating canals, that join adjacent central canals
compact bone, osteocytes can pass nutrients through
bones form when bone tissue replaces existing connective tissue in what two ways?
intramembranous bones
endochondral bones
Bone Development in 14-Week Fetus: Intramembranous Ossification
Flat skull bones, clavicles, sternum, and some facial bones are forming between sheets of primitive connective tissue
Bone Development in 14-week fetus: Endochondral Ossification
Long bones and most of skeleton are forming from hyaline cartilage models
Intramembranous bones originate within
sheet-like layers of connective tissue
intramembranous bones are
broad, flat bones
examples of intramembranous bones
flat bones of the skull, clavicles, sternum, and some facial bones
intramembranous ossification is the process of
replacing embryonic connective tissue to form intramembranous bone
intramembranous ossification - mesenchymal cells..
in primitative tissue differentiate into osteoblasts
intramembranous ossification - osteoblasts
bone-forming cels that deposit bone matrix around themselves
intramembranous ossification - when osteoblasts are completely surrounded by matrix
they are now osteocyte sin lacunae
intramembranous ossification - mesenchyme on outside form
Endochondral bones begin as
masses of hyaline cartilage
endochondral bones consist of most
bones of the skseleton
examples of endochondral bones?
femur, humerus, radius, tibia, phalanges, vertebrae
endochondral ossification is the process of
replacing hyaline cartilage to form an endochondral bone
endochondral ossification begin as
hyaline cartilage models
in endochondral ossification, chondrocytes
enlarge, lacunae grow
in endochondral ossification, matrix
breaks down, chondrocytes die
in endochondral ossification, osteoblasts
invide area, deposit bone matrix.
form spongy and then compalct bone
in endochondral ossification, once encased by matrix
osteoblasts are now osteocytes
First Step in Intramembranous Ossification
Sheets of embryonic connective tissue (mesenchyme) appear at the sites of future bones.
Second Step in Intramembranous Ossification
Mesenchymal cells differentiate into osteoblasts, which deposit bone matrix.
Third Step in Intramembranous Ossification
Dense networks of blood vessels supply the developing spongy bone.
Fourth Step in Intramembranous Ossification
- Osteoblasts become osteocytes when bony matrix completely surrounds them.
Fifth Step in Intramembranous Ossification
Mesenchyme on the surface of each developing structure condenses to form periosteum.
Sixth Step in Intramembranous OSsification
Osteoblasts on the inside of the periosteum deposit compact bone over the spongy bone.
First Step in Endochondral Ossification
Masses of hyaline cartilage form models of future bones.
Second Step in Endochondral Ossification
- Cartilage tissue breaks down. Periosteum develops.
Third Step in Endochondral Ossification
- Blood vessels and differentiating osteoblasts from the periosteum invade the disintegrating tissue.
Fourth Step in Endochondral Ossification
- Osteoblasts form spongy bone in the space occupied by cartilage.
Fifth Step In Endochondral Ossification
- Osteoblasts beneath the periosteum deposit compact bone.
Sixth Step in Endochondral Ossification
- Osteoblasts become osteocytes when bony matrix completely surrounds them.
In a growing long bone, diaphysis is separated from epiphysis by
Epiphyseal plate, region at which bone grows in length
Cartilaginous Cells of Epiphyseal Plate form what layers?
Zone of Resting Cartilage
Zone of Proliferating Cartilage
Zone of Hypertrophic Cartilage
Zone of Calcified Cartilage
Zone of Resting Cartilage layer location
layer closest to end of epiphysis
zone of resting cartilage consists of
resting cells that anchor epiphyseal plate to epiphysis
zone of proliferating cartilage is
rows of young cells, undergoing mitosis
zone of hypertrophic cartilage are
rows of older cells left behind when new cells appear. Thicken epiphyseal plate, lengthening the bone
zone of hypertrophic cartilage does?
matrix calcifies, cartilage cells (chrondrocytes die)
zone of calcified cartilage are
thin layer of dead cartilage cells and calcified matrix
Growth of epiphyseal plate - osteoclasts…
break down calcified matrix
Growth of epiphyseal plate - osteoblasts then
invade, replacing cartilage with bone tisue
Growth of epiphyseal plate - bone can
continue to grow in length, as long as cartilage cells of epiphyseal plate remain active
Growth of epiphyseal plate - when ossification centers meet and epiphyseal plate ossifies..
bone can no longer grow in length