Chapter 7 Flashcards
What kind of problem is Birth control?
• Human righst to access to BC for women, there are places around the wold who can not access this
In Canada when was BC/abortion illegal?
Where was the first BC clinic in canada?
1932 Birth Control Society of Hamilton became the first Canadian Birth Control Clinic
• Distribution and sale of birth control remained illegal in Canada until 1969
Who states that the state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation?
Pierre trudeau
Why do contraceptive methods fail?
• User error
• Inconsistent use
-“We use condoms most of the time”
• Non-use
•Contraceptive failure
-broken condom
What is the IMB model?
Behavioural Skills
All influence sexual behaviours
Who developed the IMB model?
What does I stand for in the IMB model?
Information: Must be specific and practical in order to help individual feel well informed
-Eg. Where to obtain contraceptive information and contraceptive devices
What does M stand for in the IMB model?
Motivation: Increases with information, positive attitude, and perceived social acceptability of sex/contraceptive use
-Eg. social expectations to use condoms
What does B stand for in the IMB model?
Behavioural: Skills that function to: refuse sex when contraception is not available; discuss sex with a partner; and acquire contraceptives
- Reduce negative outcomes
- Enhance sexual health and contraceptive use
What is an erotophile?
have positive emotions related to sex and sexual stimuli
What is an erotophobe?
tend to have negative emotions related to sex
What are the 5 steps related to proper contraception use for erotophoobes?
- Obtaining contraceptive information.
- Erotophobes have less sex information than erotophiles do
- Retain less than erotophiles when given the same sex information - Acknowledging that sex may occur.
- Erotophobes may not plan because they don’t acknowledge the possibility - Obtaining contraceptives.
- Erotophobes are more embarrassed thus less likely to use it consistently - Communicating with a partner.
- Erotophobes have difficulty talking about sex, may delegate to a partner - Using contraceptives every time.
- Erotophobes are less comfortable with sex and sexual stimuli thus will find contraceptive use awkward
What was the IMB model study?
-sexually active women between the ages of 17 and 22 were recruited in 1st year undergraduate classes
- results of this study support the IMB model as a paradigm for explaining and predicting sexual health behaviour of young women
- -Predictive model and important for influencing behaviour for dual protective behaviours. Understand that the method can reduce unplanned pregnanies and redcues STI
What are the guidelines for birth control education in canada?
IN a perfect world all of the following should happen:
No limits to access
Education should be comprehensive and inclusive
Education should include methods based on Fisher’s IMB model
Teachers must be well-trained and supported with current information
Education programs should be evaluated periodically
What ar the non barrier, non hormonal forms of BC?
Billings Ovulation Method
-Practice based primarily on cervical mucous observations
Creighton Model
- Practice based on cervical mucous and sympto-thermal observations
- Effectiveness 98% with trained teacher and motivated users
What are the birth control methods approved by the Catholic Church?
Billings method
Creighton Method
What is the fertility awareness method?
Methods of birth control that involve abstaining from inter-course around the time the woman ovulates.
What are the calendar methods?
A type of fertility awareness method of birth control in which the woman determines when she ovulates by keeping a calendar record of the length of her menstrual cycles -abstain from sex days 10-17 -Assumptions: regular cycle, ovulation around day 14, eggs survive 24 hours, sperm live 3 (to 5) days
Why do people choose FAM or NFP?
•Religious reasons
-Beliefs that inhibiting pregnancy is a sin
•Medical reasons
- side effects of birth control
- history of illness that contraindicates hormonal BC use
•Philosophical reasons
-personal health empowerment