Chapter 40-terrorism Flashcards
Domestic terrorism
Terrorism that is carried out by people in their own country
International terrorism
Terrorism that is carried out by people in a country other than their own, also known as cross-border terrorism
What points can define any type of terrorism?
- involves violent acts or ask dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law
- appears to be intended (i) to intimidate or bully a civilian population (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation (iii) to affect The conduct of the government by mass distraction, assassination, or kidnapping
What type of groups turn toward terrorism with means to achieve a goal of some sort?
- Religious extremist groups/doomsday cults
- Extremist political groups
- Cyber terrorist
- Single issue groups, such as animal rights, anti-abortion, racists, or ecoterrorists
Weapon of mass destruction, or weapon of mass casualty
Any agent designed to bring about mass death, casualties, and/or massive damage to property in infrastructure
What pneumonic can help you remember different kinds of weapons of mass destruction? What does each stand for
B-NICE Biologic Nuclear Incendiary Chemical Explosive
What do chemical agents consist of?
Vesicants (blister agents)
Respiratory agents (choking)
Nerve agents
Metabolic agents
What are biologic agents and what are the types?
Biologic agents are organisms that cause disease
Creation of a weapon from a biologic agent generally found in nature in that causes disease
State-sponsored terrorism
Nations that hold close ties with terrorist groups
When the Public Safety community generally has no prior knowledge of the time, location, or nature of the attack “Element of surprise”
What observations can you make to determine the potential for a terrorist attack on every call?
- type of location
- type of call
- Number of patients
- victim statements
- pre-incident indicators
Secondary device
In additional mechanism of injury that is intended primarily to injure responders and to secure a media coverage because the media generally arrive on the scene just after the initial response
Cross contamination
Occurs when you come into contact with the contaminated person who is not yet been decontaminated
Persistency and volatility
Describes how long the agent will stay on a surface before it evaporates
Route of exposure
How the agent most affectively enters the body
Vapor hazard
Agents with a vapor hazard enter the body through the respiratory tract in the form of vapors
Contact hazard
Agents with a contact hazard give a very little vapor or no vapors and enter the body through the skin
Blister agents
What are signs of vesicant exposure on the skin?
Skin irritation, burning, and Reddning Media, intense skin pain Large blisters form Gray discoloration of skin Swollen and closed or irritated eyes Permanent eye injury
What happens if vesicant vapors are inhaled?
Hoarseness and strider
Severe cough
Severe dyspnea
Sulfur mustard (H)
Commonly known as mustard gas, is a brownish, yellow wish oily substance that is generally considered very persistent. When it’s released it has a distinct smell of garlic or mustard and his quickly absorbed into the skin. It begins in irreversible process of damage to the cells
When something mutates, damages, and changes the structure of cells
Lewisite (L) and Phosgene oxime (CX)
Produces blisters very similar to those caused by mustard gas. They are highly volatile and have a rapid onset of symptoms, compared with the delayed onset seen with mustard gas
Chorine (Cl) and what are the symptoms if inhaled
As a distinct odor of bleach and creates a green haze when released in a gas. It produces upper airway irritation in a choking sensation.
Patient may experience shortness of breath, tightness in chest, hoarseness and Strider, gasping and coughing
A pulmonary agent that is a product of combustion, resulting from a fire at a textile factory or house or from metal work or burning Freon.
Nerve agents
Among the most deadly chemicals created. Nerve agents are not readily available to the general public and are extremely toxic and rapidly fatal with any route of exposure
There are 3G series agency, which are all designed with the same basic chemical structure with slight variations to produce different properties.
Sarin (GB)
Highly volatile colorless and odorless liquid. Turns from liquid to gas within seconds to minutes at room temperature. Highly lethal.
Vapors continuously release over a period of time, this renders the victim in the victims clothing contaminated
Soman (GD)
Twice as persistent as Sarin and five times as lethal. It has a fruity odor and generally no color. This agent is a contact in inhalation hazard taken into the body do the respiratory tract or skin absorption.
When an agent binds to cells that it is attacking, making it attack faster than any other agent
Tabun (GA)
Approximately half as sarin and 36 times more persistent. Under the proper conditions it will remain present for several days. It has a fruity smell in an appearance similar to sarin
V agent (VX)
Clear oily agent that has no odor and looks like baby oil. The agent was developed by the British and has chemical properties similar to the G series agents. It is 100 times more lethal then sarin and extremely persistent
What is the military pneumonic of symptoms of exposure to nerve agents
What are the words that go with the pneumonic
SLUDGEM Salivation, sweating Lacrimation Urination Defecation, drooling, diarrhea Gastric upset and cramps Emesis (Vomiting) Muscle twitching/miosis
A common chemical that is used in lesser concentration’s for Incesticide’s.
Pinpoint constricted pupils scene with nerve agent exposure
DuoDote auto injector
Contains 2.1 mg of atropine and 600 mg of Pralidoxime chloride (2-PAM) and is delivered as a single dose through a needle
Antidote treatment nerve agent auto injector
The military form of combination used to treat a nerve agent poisoning
A colorless gas that has an odor similar to almonds. The effects begin on the cellular level in a very rapidly scene at the organ system levels.
The means by which a terrorist will spread the agent
Disease vector
An animal that spreads disease, once infected, to another animal
The period of time between the person becoming exposed to the agent and the appearance of the first symptoms
Germs that require a living host to multiply and survive
A highly contagious disease. Before the rash and blisters show, the illness will start with a high fever and body aches and headaches. Smallpox, the lesions are identical in their development
Viral hemorrhagic fever’s
Consist of a group of diseases caused by viruses that include the Ebola, rift valley, Marburg, and yellow fever viruses. This group of viruses causes the blood in the body to seep out from the tissues and blood vessels
Does not require a host to multiply and live. Single celled microorganisms reproduce rapidly and are much more complex and larger than viruses
Disease caused by deadly bacteria that lay dormant in a spore German is released from the spore when exposed to the optimal temperature in moisture
Bubonic plague
Infects the lymphatic system. The patients lymph nodes will become infected and grow
Lymphatic system
A passive circulatory system in the body that bales the tissues in lymph and works with the immune system
Lymph nodes
Area of the lymphatic system where infection fighting cells are housed
Enlarged lymph nodes that are a characteristic in people infected with the bubonic plague
Pneumonic plague
A lung infection, that results from inhalation of plague bacteria
The most deadly substances The route of entry for these toxins is through ingestion, innovation, from aerosols, or injection known to humans
A neurotoxin produced by bacteria. This neurotoxin affects the nervous system’s ability to function.
Five times more lethal than VX, this tocsin is derived from mash that is left from the castor bean. Causes pulmonary edema and respiratory and circulatory failure leading to death